Nightborne Tattoos PTR Visibility!

Overall I really like the new Nightborne cvustomizations however, the Nightborne tattoos should be more visible. Like why can’t they be like the Lightforged forged Draeni tattoos? Or at the very least give us a bar where we can increase the opacity. On another note with Nightborne customizations I think it would be really awesome to have mana orbs in their hair or something cool like that similar to how the Nightelfs have those leaves…


The Nightborne NPCs already have mana hair effects many of us were asking for. We could just steal that.

As for the tattoos… I am all for options to make them more visible, so long as they remain options. I’m all for choice and would love people to have em brighter if they want that, but I love their current shimmery, barely there look and would prefer to continue to use that.

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…what? The lightforged tattoos are a dark brown/gold. They don’t shimmer. Nightborne tattoos shimmer and are translucent. I’d much rather have those.


The point is that you can see them.

Subtle is more classy.


That’s rich coming from a human mage. If you don’t see the problem in their tattoos then you clearly don’t play the race enough.