Nightborne models

So, i have a nightborne warlock, and i really like her and all but the model animations and texture are just too weird.
The models are based on the night elfs right? Then why they have such a cluncky walking animation?
It really kills my mood the play a nightborne since the models have a weird texture, it does not look like the same as the post wod models.
I would love to see at least some tweaks, because the way they are now are just not on par with the rest of the races.


They’d have to redo the rig and they probably won’t do that. The shoulders are way too wide, the face is all wrong, and as you said the movements look wonky.

They just thinned up the Nelfs in reskinning them as NB but on that rig it doesn’t work well. I especially hate that they have all the same animations and the same dance. I mean if I wanted a Nelf I’d have made one.


The females are fine. The males on the other hand are horrendous. They use the male night elf skeleton, which means they use a skeleton for a big bulky Night Elf male…when they’re arguably the skinniest race in the game.

Granted, their bodies are accurate to their Legion Models, but that doesn’t make them good.


They’re not, i wont repeat all i’ve said because i’m lazy, but Fobnop already did a good resume on their poblems.
My biggest problem with them is he walking animation, they already have every nf animation, give the walking one too since nelves have one of the better ones…

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Walking like you have a stick up the @?# is not fine.


I find Nelf somewhat appealing. BUT the nightbourne are just seriously ugly. The worse part is that they walk like they have a staff up their patoot.


It’s not that bad. Females are fine for the most part and get a pass in my book. They look like enough like Nightborne, and have proportions that don’t make them look like an anorexic dolphin with praying mantis legs.


It is bad, not a single other race has such a cluncky, weird looking walking animation.
God even the vulpera abominations have a better one.


It’s the exact same as the female Night Elves. So… therefore a single other race DOES have such a “clunky, weird looking walking animation”

Are you on drugs by any chance? Because its not possible that you’re serious

That’s a pretty unreasonable jump. How do you go from: “Okay, someone disagrees with me” to “They’re under the influence because they disagree with me. Because there is no way I could possibly be wrong!”

Truth is. It’s essentially the same animation. The Nightborne one is just slightly slowed. Again, I don’t think it’s as bad as the male Nightborne, which are hideous in every aspect.

Oh is it me? Or is everyone is this topic besides you?
Must be a me problem then…

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Edit: Oh, so now you’re saying that everyone in the thread believes I am under the influence? Grow up dude. I literally just shared my opinion and you’re taking it like a weaboo who just got told his waifu isn’t real.

Yeah, you should probably learn to accept others’ opinions. It helps in the real world.

Cool, are you done with your little tanrum?
With the personal insults? Great, now begone pest go troll someones else post

I never threw a tantrum. I also never “personally” insulted you. I’m telling you to take a chill pill.

I never trolled. I shared my opinion and you got mad. But I love the hypocrisy you show by calling me a “pest.” As if I actually did something wrong.

Can we get a rework on both Void Elves and Nightborne, please? Make them something better than what they are. Give 'em new animations, postures and all that other good stuff. They’re also in need of new hairstyles, colours and skin clours.


I kinda like velfs they did a good job with the customizations (despite being literally a recolor )

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Fair. But I personally think they should be given a similar treatment to the Nb. At least give them a different posture and some new animations.

As for Nightborne, I think Blizzard kind of messed up with estimating how much effort it would take in making them. They’re a mess because Blizzard went above and beyond with them. They got a reworked skeleton, animations, etc.

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Yeah we ugly, can’t deny.

Speak for yourself. I’m beautiful.