1 - Nightborne are ugly and have very little customization
2 - Night Elves can make better looking nightborne look-alikes than the Nightborne race can.
3 - Nightborne players look MUCH WORSE than the NPC models.
Never said you did lmao. Sorry, but I much prefer the OG Night Elf models that didn’t have bug eyes. The Nightborne NPC models look like what Night Elves should have been back in WoD.
Since I’ll have to clarify, in my opinion OF COURSE.
Night Elves still freeze when they sit. 10/10 quality btw
Oh, Ohhh, so not bones but their base elements. Honestly like the gnome said up there it’s mostly a texture thing from what I can tell. it would also help if both elves were the same shade of elf grey. Also if both were wearing armor while the other isn’t or both in their undies for a proper comparison.