Night Renegades <AOTC FOCUSED> W/Th 8-11EST - Looking for Raiders 8/8N 2/8H

Night Renegades is currently recruiting Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Evoker and a few to fill! We are a tight knit gaming community that expands over a few different games.

NR is an Ally Mid-Core AOTC guild on Doomhammer/Baelgun that has been around since the start, we are currently open to any roles/classes and are looking for people that are a great fit for our community and raid team. We also have M+ groups that run before raids and on weekends.

If you are interested in a chat or a few group runs please feel free to contact anyone listed below!
Bip-Doomhammer Dudz#1750 (Bnet) Dudz#7637 (Discord)
Bacstabath-Baelgun Eli#1219 (Bnet)

Current Progression:
Top Server Prog/Race Environment - AotC Focused
Raid Times:
2000-2300 EST

Guild Application:


Bump to the top!

bump it again

Bump - still looking for a few key DPS classes

Recruitment still open

Update - Need DK and Evoker dps/Aug

Update - Need

  • dps - DK, Evoker
  • Healer - MW, Pres or RSham

Updated progression
