Guild & Server: Night Renegades Baelgun/Doomhammer
Raid Times/Days: 2 Night - Wed /Thurs 8:00 till ~11:00 Eastern time (5:00pm - 8:00pm Server)
Current Progression: 9/10H CN, 12/12 Nya AOTC
Recruitment Contacts: u/Bacstabath u/Typical u/Bandore , bnet: Eli#1219, Typical#1580, Bandore#1902
Requirements: We’re looking for people interested in joining a community that happens to raid together, not just fill a roster slot. As one of the oldest guilds on the Baelgun/Doomhammer server, we’re committed to getting everyone AoTC and the meta and have fun along the way.
Needs: Heals, DPS (Range prefer). No matter your class. Must have raiding experience and link logs in app.