<Night Lords> Undead/Death Knight Horde RP guild

I’m so behind on this…and so EXCITED ABOUT IT.

I’d love to do inter-guild RP with you guys!! As I’ve mentioned before, Shay’s always had a soft-spot for Forsaken, their plight and whatnot. Anywho, even if it ends up being a bad guys vs. this random company that was just trying to offer transport of your evil goods type deal, I’d love to work something out!
My disc is Shay#4167


I think we’re all pretty open to RPing with other guilds. It kinda seems like the role of the bad guy isn’t really being served on WRA, I have had a few people contact me to have us be their guild’s bad guys.


I’ve been wanting to move from lurking WRA to actually taking part and this sounds fun. Where’s a good source of info for basic dk/scourge info to learn up some lore? I’ve did some background thuggery in SWG, mostly getting beat up as one of Jabba’s palace guards in other people’s stories but it was long ago

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Here you go!



The link Cryptstalker posted is good, that wiki has a lot of information. Playing the DK quests in Wotlk and Legion provides a lot of good knowledge of fairly current stuff. We also know that Bolvar is creating new DKs so I am interested in finding out more info when we get it on that subject

Missing patrol:

Those with keen eyes may of seen the silhouette of bats flying over the Morshan Ramparts late in the night. Those with keen ears may of heard the sounds of a skirmish in the deep of the woods. The morning sun would show the aftermath of bloodshed. No bodies were found on the blood soaked soil and a party of five sentinels have gone missing. Tensions rise in the region and it is rumored that the garrison is on high alert.


I grow hungry.

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((This isn’t the blight outside around Undercity, is it? Because if it is, I know a spot where you can stand in it and take no damage. ))

Like any group of super villains we are trying to get our hands on a super weapon. Tonight we will be running a RP event of our first phase in our nefarious goals. A super villain lair will be our next storyline.

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Was it undead sharks with freaking laser beams on their heads?



Ten characters

Shameless bump

Where are you guys currently?

We’re still active but keeping a low profile. I think we’re planning on attending more events that will have us and still low key recruiting evil aligned undead characters. If you are interested in dealing with us or have a character that wishes to join feel free to contact myself or Anzl.

Legate1138#1960 on btags

I am interested, especially after reading a bit of how one interview went down.

Currently this character is engaged with running caravan missions for the Forsaken, but I think some of your low profile attendance might cause interactions.

Caravans attract many types of souls, many conversations are had, prospects could be found among the average goodies.

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We try to give everyone who joins an intro scene with a few guildies involved. I figure it allows them to meet a few of the characters in the guild and get a feel for how we RP. I am glad you liked the scene. We are actually looking for a smuggler or someone who can transport things without asking too many questions.

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The Nightlords accounted well for themselves in an operation that turned very violent, very quickly. To the extent of my ability to speak for them, the Bloodreaver Legion stands impressed by the killers in their ranks. Well fought, comrades.

I. Schatten, Regimental Commissar


We will continue our efforts to defend the interests of sentient undead and secure the territory that belongs to them. It was a battle well fought and the feasting was good.


The Orc seemed unappreciative of the delicacies of corpse cannibalism.

No matter. He could be trained, perhaps, to enjoy it. Like a good little Orc.

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Prey are often repulsed by other prey being devoured.

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