Not sure what is going on but there is definitely a bug with the night fae covenant that is somehow “turning off” the auto attack for the arms spec, unsure about others. I only use the term turning off here because am unsure what else to call it; it seems completely unrelated to the in game auto attack function. using macros with start attack in all abilities doesn’t seem to fix it
I am unsure how to even prove or log this and you only notice it if you are very familiar with how often your character swings, but something is going on here.
I’m not sure how you guys can test internally and prove this but the arms warrior spec gets all of its resources through auto attacks and this is real real egregious.
here is an image of a log where this occurred. it just so happens to occur after my ancient aftershock cast but in my experience this seems unrelated to it and was happening through the night
was in melee range of the boss as I was able to cast execute twice and mortal strike. the first melee swing is at 11 seconds and the second occurs 18 seconds in.
there is no way my swing timer is 7 seconds. something is going on here.
I’m more worried about you wearing that ugly mog.
Here is a clip of the bug in action.
I started the clip at a time where the warrior’s auto attack was still working.
Notice how their weak aura that tracks their swing timer disappears.
Notice their rage go down as they cast abilities that cost 30/20 rage, and notice it doesn’t rise at all from melee swings despite being in melee range of Sire while using abilities that should turn on auto attack (Melee attacks like overpower and mortal strike)
They do generate rage from the ancient aftershock rage generation of course, but we can see the auto attacks simply not occurring in this clip.
Bug seems tied to the Niya soulbind tree.
Either the entire tree is bugged or the player picks some power along the tree that starts causing this.
Have you ran details add on (or whatever else) to break down the dps of auto attack in a fight compared to the other skills?
Not sure you understand the post. It isn’t a matter of auto attacks dealing damage or contributing dps.
They are not occurring at all. You can watch the clip and see the swing timer disappear as well as many seconds pass without a swing as well as the image of the log where 7 seconds pass before a melee swing happen.
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I am also experiencing this. I know another user warrior not mentioned here is also experiencing this issue during one of his recent streams forcing him to play Korayn
Can you clip any examples? Curious to see how often it happens after an ancient aftershock cast
And can we please get a speedy fix for this. I know you guys are loving locking us in with these meaningful choices but it’d be great one of the three soulbinds didn’t halt all resource generation (:
Yeah, been reporting this bug on ptr for a dozen times. Arms warrior with Niya.
Be nice to be able to play all soulbinds.
Ya know, cause the third is currently just turning off auto attacks and resource generation for the arms warrior spec.
If you want to replicate the bug, it seems to be guaranteed to happen with the first set of red lines on sire denath
A spec breaking bug and yet no comments from Blizzard. Hmmmm
Had the bug occur through the night on a reclear.
Please fix this; it makes playing a talent like rend feel pretty gross.
Watching a debuff fall off because I am unable to afford the rage cost due to my auto attacks not occuring just makes me want to log off.
Bug is still occurring.
Please fix this. Not fun playing a class that gets all of its resources from auto attacks to then have your auto attacks turn off because of borrowed power.
Using the Niya soulbind on Castle Nathria trash and had the bug occur as soon as I engaged a trash mob
I was afk for a trash pack pull and when I tabbed back into the game and charged a mob, the bug occured despite me not having damaged or killed anything else in combat.
Early assumption is that it has something to do when something you’ve damaged dies but had it happen on the first damaging ability (charge) I used on a mob.
Had one single pull attempting to use Niya on Mythic Sire, bug happened, back to Korayn.
Blizzard. Please fix this bug.
I have the same problem to this day. I am using Dreamweaver and only sometimes when I charge in when the fight starts my first auto won’t go off so I have to wait for an awkward AA global in order to apply rend so I am just standing there helpless on pull sometimes. SUPER ANNOYING BLIZZARD PLEASE FIX