Night Fae Sanctum upgrades help

I have no idea what upgrading the Sanctum is all about. Anyone have insight on the optimal way of upgrading?

I guess it all depends on what you want to get out of it more than anything else.

I’m Kyrian, and I went first level on all upgrades before working towards the “teleport to Oribos” 10k upgrade. I assume all covenants have the same.

To work out an optimal path, you’ll need to work out what you want out of the covenant first.

I leveled the portal to Oribos first for easy access.


This would probably be the first thing to level. Easy access to the hub.

Hmm I supposed I’ll need to figure out what the rewards are. I like cosmetics but I also love power. I like convenience as well. I think I’m just overwhelmed with the options and don’t want to make the wrong choice.

You can’t make the wrong choice, they’re all available at some point. I did the garden for nightfae first. The seed system just works in the background even when I’m not playing and for the table you don’t need to upgrade it, just use it and you eventually gain access to the seeds. It compliments each other and the table doesn’t need the sanctum upgrade for it.

You don’t min max sanctum upgrades lol.
Just upgrade what you like.

I’d just avoid the conservatory garden thing till later. I heard it’s lackluster.

I dumped into Mirrors and Anima conductor in Vampland, but don’t bother with the other 2. For my alts, it all goes into Anima Conductor, and the rest of the options are ignored beyond level 1.

None of the upgrades are particularly important and don’t really influence player power, so don’t agonize over it.

I prioritized a Rank 2 anima conductor and a Rank 3 transportation network.

I wanted the transportation network for the handy portal to Oribos. I wanted the anima conductor for Grateful Offerings: One of the memories I really wanted only drops in the raid, and I absolutely, positively will not set foot in raids (no, not even LFR), so I got it via offerings.

Now, I’m fiddling with the night fae garden, just because it’s there and IDC about the other upgrades at all.

There’s no point in upgrading the mission table past Rank1, IMO.

I would prioritize the anima conductor, and the covenant special feature. The anima conductor unlocks quests which can potentially give you anima, and the covenant special feature gives you cool cosmetics.

You should unlock your anima conductor first so you can get grateful offerings.

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Don’t upgrade anything until you’re at souls cap since getting a lot of Anima is almost impossible.

Lvl1 cov table, max transport network, then anima conductor. Queens conservatory is just a waste until you can fully upgrade it.

Yeah, it’s pretty much useless until you unlock the final upgrade.

Personally, you should unlock the three ranks of transport network first. It’s certainly not easy traveling through Ardenweald. You’ll love Maramius and his handy transports.

Don’t upgrade anything.

Just get the 1st level of the Mission Table and that’s it. Save all your anima for covenant cosmetics and Ranking up your Covenant gear.

Everything else is literally a waste of anima.

Best upgrade is to uninstall.

I barely bother with mine, the anima costs are astronomical and we get so little, i figure i’ll just ignore it until they buff anima gains.

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If you want character power, then the Anima conductor is your only choice. In that once you get all four conducts set then you can buy memories.

Otherwise, just do what you like. It seems that the motto is: Maximum effort for minimum reward.

Oh I disagree. I wish I had started with the garden. It is deceptive because it doesn’t do anything worthwhile until rank 4, but then it gives access to lots of mounts and transmogs from all 4 covenants, and it almost runs itself. I waited, and now I have SO MANY seeds and catalysts in my bags waiting for when I get rank 4 and can use them all!

The portal to Oribos is good, but it’s only 1-way for some weird reason. I found that I was better off setting my hearthstone to my covenant, rather than in oribos, for that reason.