Night Fae Sanctum Upgrade

I can’t seem to find a guide or thread but what are peoples recommendations for their first night Fae sanctum upgrade?

Transport Network looks interesting but the command table seems like it might be better because its more passive in nature.

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you need to do the command table first
thats the npc quest stuff from WoD and onward

Wait… you have to upgrade buildings like a garrison AND they kept the command table?


Choice to skip Shadowlands reconfirmed.

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There are 4 possible upgrades. Each allows you to do different things. Personally I wanted to have the garden unlocked but thats not available yet.

What are is a Transport Network allowing faster travel and unlocking unique rewards, Anima Conductor that sounds like it opens up more wq’s and such and then the command table.

I’m guessing the first couple will be unlocked fairly quickly.

Nobody will miss the person who doesnt play but hangs around the boards trolling them

Its a better game now that you arent coming

this might help out
the # of the souls looking things are the things you need to get from quest


I had the same question. Was glad to see someone else also asking it. I went with the command table. It cost the least anima (500 vs 1000) and the purpose of it was to “help protect the realm” which is why we’re here!

Yeah I did some world quest and unlocked both. Today I should get the third one unlocked.