Night Fae covenant chestpiece not available after finishing Chatper 2

Yup same here as well.

If it’s like the other covenants then we should have gotten it as a quest reward, but checking wowhead shows there’s no “rewarded from” like there is with other covenants.

Most likely the quest for it is just not spawning for folks?

Bump! Same issue here. Blizz pls.

Same bug for the second piece of Venthyr armor.

Same with Night Fae.

Is it possible we have to wait until we hit renown level 5 like the Campaign says? If so that would suck . If not then they should fix it because I have two pieces of gear I could buy right now :frowning:

I am just here to add my disdain for this BS. It still isn’t working. It’s been a week Blizzard! Get it together.

Still isn’t working on Night Fae. Would have thought this would have been fixed by now …

Just finished the next chapter of the campaign and was awarded the chestpiece. It seems the “Torghast” segment of the campaign’s listing isn’t considered Chapter 2, so there are really only 8 chapters of the actual covenant campaign. Torghast is more like a 1b.

Torghast is chapter 2 cause chapter 3 is the nightwarrior one

Except it’s not because when you go to attempt to upgrade the chestpiece, it says “complete chapter 3 of the campaign” and you can’t do anything. They clearly intended Torghast to be a 1b step and just forgot to re-number the rest of the requirement references.

Bump same issue, no chest.

Complete the real chapter 2 of the campaign unlocked at renown 5 and it’ll be there.

You are wrong Thecheat, the chests have been changed to say they require chapter 3 from the vendor, chapter 2 was apparently a typo, except the typo was affecting all the armor to say it required 1 less than it needed, so if you check the armor vendor now it’s all properly at the right requirements. Chapter 2 IS Torghast, it just wasn’t supposed to unlock at chapter 2 even though it said on vendor.