Night Fae Campaign Bug (Reverse The Power)

I am trying to finish Reverse The Power for Night Fae in order to get to
(Drust and Ashes) - Gorak Zhar Defeated. In order to complete the Reverse The Power I have to assist 4 NPC’s. I have assisted 3 of them, but when I try to assist the last one which is Zayhad it wont let me kill the elite he is fighting. It will not even allow me to lock on target. I’ve tried to log out and back in and nothing. Not sure if there is even a way to restart Reverse The Power from the beginning. Anyone else having this problem?


A workaround for this kind of issues has been to turn war mode on (or off) to force getting in a different shard where the bug has not occured.

Not ideal, but hopefully it will let you complete it that way.

having the same issue. Typical.


Same exact issue. UGH! any fixes?!

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So i just waited and ran away from him and AFK’d and he eventually unbugged

The quest in question takes place inside a personal scenario, so I don’t think this would have any impact.

Right, forgot about that. My bad.

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From a friend who had this issue:

Zayhod was stuck in a wall. He wasn’t where he was supposed to be

the mobs you have to beat was on top of him in a wall,untargetable.

What I ended up doing was pull another mob from across the zone, and the mobs that were stuck assisted and came out to kill me

once I killed them. Zayhod came out and completed :slight_smile:


Tried everything suggested and none of them worked. I finally abandoned quest and started from scratch. This time I went to Zayhad first before he and the mobs he was battling were knocked back into an area on top of the hill out of reach.

I used Wild Spirits and it actually hit them. Then they came out to fight me and the NPC came out to help. This should really be fixed.


I just completed this quest a few minutes ago. Zayhad was stuck up in the wall/tree for me as well. I engaged a couple of nearby mobs and kited them up to Zayhad so that he had to help fight them. This got him “unstuck” and I was able to assist him. It’s still a pain and needs to be addressed, though.


Ya I came across this. Im hoping that they can get it fixed, or it ll fix itself when I zone out.

Mam to samo i nie mogę dalej przejść. Próbowałem wszystkiego (: .

Hm. Prawdopodobnie jakiś dobry GM chciał mi pomóc i wysłał mnie na koniec Ardenweald w okolice Crumbled Ridge usuwając problem z Zayhad. Jednak kiedy wróciłem w miejsce gdzie powinen być Gorak Zhaw, odpowiedziało mi tylko echo. I tak sobie siedzę sam w lesie na d…e i czekam na pomoc. Zrób coś dobry człowieku proszę.

Still not fixed. Tried all the things everyone suggested and nothing will work. Nor will it let me log out. I guess I will have to use task manager to close the whole thing down as he is stuck in one of the barriers and there is another from the other direction so there is no way to get to him. Sad for the last quest of the covenant campaign to be so buggy.

This worked for me - thank you! I pulled a mob over and dropped force of nature to taunt the stuck mob and they all started moving to me.

Thank you! This worked when I got in the right position behind the tree. But they still need to fix it!

I found him on top of that wall.

I was able to go up partially, near the barrier, and use the Winter Queen ability to target and hurt them one by one. Also, using range attacks.

Once the three npcs are dead, he comes down and does the orb thing.

I’m 100000% tired of the fact that Blizzard put all their effort into covenants, renown, souldbind, conduit crap but left the covenant campaign quests so bugged. This is the second in the Night Fae line that has bugged out like this.

Someone at Blizz needs to go.

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Same thing happening to me, no idea how to fix it. What a joke. Get your s*** together blizzard.

I had same issues.