Yah that’s the same thing that happened to me. Not sure what to do…
Same problem, tried all the tips in this and other threads, no dice.
Same issue here also.
Everything seemed to be working, the stag was following me as I completed the two quests, but right as I was finishing, my queued dungeon came up and so I did that. When I came back, stag was gone. Quests are done but relogging, reloading UI, exiting and coming back hasn’t solved it.
Edit: I had completed the third quest and turned it in as I was doing the other two. The two in the title are the ones I’m stuck with as complete but no stag to turn them in to.
I left the area and did other things, raid, etc. When I came back the stag was there and had “Broken Webs” for me to pick up. Once I picked it up, I was able to turn inthe other 2 quests, “A Little Pruning” and “Spriggan Snares.” So try going to Oribos, carrying on with other quests/dailies and coming back.
I turned those all in and can’t pick up the next quest in the chain. It shows the exclamation on my map but there is no one in sight to pick it up from…
Throwing in my lot with this. Please fix.
Got a ticket response form letter that told me to drop the quest and retake it… did before writing. To rest my ui with no addons on… also done before hand. Still doesn’t make a bug reported in ALPHA and BETA suddenly work.
Same issue here. Left with Spriggan Snares and no NPC to turn in the quest.
Same issue here. Spriggan Snares, Broken Webs and A Little Prunning Night Fae campaign questlines are missing the NPC to turn in. Cannot progress any further. I tried everything to fix. I opened a ticket, hopefully they will respond. I will update if they do.
Same issue here, any updates on this?
Same I never had the helpful soul with me just Shandris feathermoon
Same problem here.
Guess I’ll await a fix
Happened to my wife as well. In her case she completed the quests but accidently stepped outside the quest area picking an herb off the trails, and he despawned. She dropped the quests and he never respawned to get them again.
Heck, I had to abandon The Garden of Night and I cant pick it up, Phased? Srsly, this is bad game design.
Turned in “Broken Webs” and “A Little Pruning” now can’t turn in “Spriggan Snares”
They are sending out a pre-formed answer telling people they won’t help them with quests. This is BS, They MUST know there is a problem with so many of us having this issue. Blizz you need to fix this!!!
This is a GAME BREAKING issue that Bliz needs to fix!!
Ok So I found a work around, Literally group up with someone that hasn’t even hit that renown yet and party sync with them. My chain bugged out on me and I found someone and grouped up with them and they sat afk the entire time awhile I did the rest of my campaign after we party synced.
Add my name to the list also. This is ridiculous.
Some issue. completed, but there was one one at the turn in icon to complete. Abandoned both now neither appear to re-start.