Lady Moonberry: But it wasn’t their Gul’dan. This one came from the past… and another world… in an alternate timeline!
Lady Moonberry: I… think that’s how it went…
Audience Member: Wait… What?
Audience Member: How does that work?
This is great. Ardenweald keeps seeming to have more and more interesting developments for it’s covenants.
It’s honestly making me wonder what the other covenants will get up to. Because right now it seems Ardenweald is getting all of the interesting things so far.
Honestly everything about the Night Fae seems like they may be the covenant to go with. They get the farming minigame, they get progression in the whole Night Warrior business. Now they get a stage play?
To set up Ysera’s and Tyrande’s story going forward. Really only the Nightmare and burning Teldrassil were relevant to the rest of the Covenant’s story, but going over the rest was a fun recap.