Also Night Elves:
Also Night Elves:
They’re recruits seeking immortality after the destruction of Teldrassil. Funny enough, kinda similar to the Manari Eredar.
That’s a fire nelf in Bel’ameth.
Like, you know how the Blood Elves had the good sense to kick the Void Elves out because their very existence threatened the sunwell?
I would say the very existence of fire Nelfs threatens the new tree lol
That’s good, then we wont have to do it as often.
Say what you like, guys, you don’t see any Fel Orcs being invited into the Horde anytime soon.
There are Fel Orcs in the Horde. They just aren’t playable.
They patrol the Dark Portal area. There are some Alliance quests to spy on some documents they held.
Why you gotta hurt me like that, especially since I’m dying for a Red Skinned Orc.
Nah, that one in particular defected well before the war was over. She’s cool. There was a whole thing.
I’m not saying she would burn it on purpose.
But she is a Flamin’ Hot Nelf (I believe that’s the technical term lol)
She could just be sleeping and have a nightmare and release some flames and start a forest fire!
I don’t know if that’s how the flame druids work lol
Worst case scenario she can go sleep in the stone tower with the demon hunters, they won’t mind.
If Night Elves can learn to let Fire Elves into their new tree house, how come Blood Elves can’t learn to let Void Elves into their home?
Still waiting on orcs to get that red skintone, as well as the MU Blackrock and Dragonmaw skins/eyes.
Well, you know me, I’m always up for some Demon Hunter BBQ lol
Kind of like a fel draenei in the ranks of the draenei , huh.
I know, I know. You thought you were being clever.
Those Night Elves throw one heck of a BBQ.
I doubt they will let us pilot the spaceship anytime soon lol
Thalassian elves are the most discriminatory