Night elves deserve this

Thank goodness Sylvanas is such a paragon though, am I right?

I don’t think the Night Elves are racist, but I’m not deep-diving them to find things to make them look like a forbidden word. You can do that with anything.

And WoW itself basically has a view of the Orcs that it’d be hard to describe them as being Tolkienesque especially at this point. They’re very unique. I think the only thing they’ve really taken from other Fantasy is the Green Skin, which would have been procured from Game’s Workshop (The first organization to show them as Green)

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Why does that matter?

I don’t see the purpose of being a thought police. It only matters if they’re actually acting on it.

Nah Purgatory is also for sins of the heart. It’s insufficient to simply not act on sins. The point is you also do not in your heart desire murder or violence or subjugation etc.

Can’t be damned for sins of the heart, but Purgatory is fire all the same.


There’s a Bible passage about this that I’m probably mangling, related to adultery. Where it doesn’t matter if you actually sleep with another person’s spouse or not, because if you actually desire it enough to think it through, then you’ve already sinned in your heart and need to repent.

It’s basically all about thought crimes, not actions. You don’t willingly go through with something without wanting it, but you can want something without doing it.

That’s cool and all, but.

Depends on the group.

Not to be curt, there’s a lot in Christian theology or whatever that I disagree with. I accept some people care about thought without action but I don’t.

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Sorry, I blanked on that part of you saying how you think things should be.

I mean…we’re not talking about the cops here. We’re talking about the infinite forces of the cosmos sorting you into the eternity you deserve.

Seems like the kind of thing that could do a little better than: “You wanted to smash that person with a brick, and if it was 50 years earlier you would have, but now it’s frowned upon, so you didn’t. Welcome to paradise you gross racist!”

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I wasn’t being literal. But what’s the point in punishing someone for merely thinking something? What does it accomplish?

Anyone in the right circumstances could be a murderer. I don’t really care about might-be’s.

So literal planet killers are deserving of Redemption(that Venthyr dude) and if your xenophobic you deserve eternal damnation? Then I was wrong to have helped Bwansomdi, should have lets all the trolls spirits go to the Maw

Why do I get the feeling you read that wrong?

No continue, im loving how much this thread outs people.

I’m getting entertainment from this. What’s a little dark humor to lighten up the forum?

Because from what I understand, it still comes back to thoughts and feelings, not just your actions. If you have the capacity to be genuinely remorseful and repentant of what you’ve done, no matter what you’ve done, then Revendreth will try to beat it out of you until you do.

Not really sure what Bwonsamdi has to do with it.

The Horde should have let the Dark Irons finish the job in Dazaralor.

The point I was making is if the night elves deserve damnation for being xenophobic(which they really arent anymore considerig they are quite willing to work with people of other races as long as said races are not trying to steal/kill them) it should apply to trolls as well.

If my character didnt save Bwonsomdi then all those trolls souls would have a one way ticket to the Maw by now.

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My bad, then. I misread your post and thought you were saying you wished you could have killed Bwonsamdi just to damn every troll soul, which was kinda “what” to me because that didn’t sound like the sort of thing you’d say.

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Alliance player still mad that the horde got the awesome Zandalarie while they got KT human?

The horde right by saving them. Not only it give us this awesome race with dino but it also make the alliance player mad.


This post is flagged…

Is that Ethr going wild with the flag button again?


Yeah probably.

It’s not offensive though, they won’t delete it. They already tried to flag OP but it got waived.

Shows you which way this forum leans when they try to flag posts calling out xenophobia in the story. Look at how some of them defend xenophobia.

It’s wild.

It’s canon that the night elves in Darnassus refused to evac through the portals until all the resident Gilneans were through, because they didn’t want their friends to lose family members to the Horde twice. This is from the novellas, if I’m remembering correctly. The only Gilnean who stayed behind, confirmed, was Mia Greymane. Sounds real xenophobic to me.

That said, xenophobia is hardly a sin that only Night Elves bear. Orcs, Dark Irons, High Elves, Zandalari, Nightborne, Kul Tirans, Mechagnomes, all of these races have displayed xenophobia, some far more egregious than anything the Night Elves displayed.

The Night Elves have always been said to be xenophobic, but in practice this has never actually been shown. Even in their halcyon WC3 days, Tyrande was immediately willing to help Kael’thas against Scourge. Anything else has been the result of actual canon actions as opposed to any inherent dislike of the different or new, such as Humans and Orcs chopping down their forests. And even this brief action never happened again when it came to Humans, who are vastly different culturally than Night Elves, and only happened again with Orcs because they… never stopped. Even when the Kaldorei were actively giving them lumber.

Yes I know I just replied seriously to a bait post, but who am I to deny someone the chance to giggle like a five year old at ‘getting’ someone? “Joke’s on you, I was only pretending” is the height of their hilarity, so I may as well give them that much, else they may actually need to be witty.


Or it was reported, rightfully, for bringing race and politics to a gaming discussion?