Night Elves confirmed as being "nearly wiped out"

It’s pretty much confirmed since the novellas came out, the playerbase is just on copium back then.

I mean it stinks but the Forsaken are dead anyway with Sylvanas either being killed off or redeemed.

Gata take a win from somewhere, plus the surviving Night Elves can be the instigators of conflict for a change instead of constantly hitting the Horde with the villain bat.

Instigating conflict when your enemy is the Horde can’t really be seen as inherently villainous at this point. It’s like instigating conflict with the Scourge or the Twilight’s Hammer.


We still have that orphanage someone could burn down.

Plus the Night Elves could easily start tripping over into Nightmare aspects due to losing faith in their weakling god of Elune who allowed them to be burnt to a crisp in their tree.

A lot of room for some unnecessary grizzly torture.

But they’d still be fighting the Horde, so the moral dubiousness of it would just be roughly equivalent to Warlocks and Death Knights fighting any given PvE villain.

Pretty sure implying the harming of children is villainous regardless of their faction status.

I’m pretty sure that Orcs reproduce by spores

You’d be wrong since this isn’t Warhammer.

Given the Horde’s behavior in WoW you could have fooled me

Not our fault if Blizzard doesn’t bother fleshing out the faction as more than monsters.

The Horde being monsters was their core gimmick going all the way back to Warcraft 1. It’s a faction for edgelords. Always has been. The only things that have changed is the kind of edgelord it tailors to.


I could think of at least one fellow on this forum who wants one of the Horde leaders to be LGBT these days…if there are any edge lords around they ain’t on this forum.

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