Night elves, are we still doing the run to Westfall?

I’m making the run at around 12 to get the quests for VC, flight paths, get my free pet chicken and a couple of other quests.

Then I’m going back to Darkshore.

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I’m taking my dwarf directly to Teldrassil

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I hadn’t heard of the drowning aspect of this run.
I am planning on the run as it’s traditional and much of my guild will be human. I had worried about my class trainer as I’ll be a Druid.

The other direction (Ironforge to Menethil) is so easy thanks to the mountain graveyard skip

Westfall is such a boring zone, I’ll be sticking to Darkshore/Loch Modan.

But westfall has deadmines…

I actually have a dwarf running to me. Level 16 I see us making the rum and run

There is a druid trainer in the park at Stormwind.

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