Mor is online
Im already unsubbed you annoying troll
doesnt change what you where wrong about, like everything to do with nelves
Clearly you arent still posting here and all
hi fruiend
Clearly you don’t know how sub times work.
ya ya but subing n unsubing den gonig n teling ery1 u arnt subed dosnt matter
what matter is u stay unsubed
I am sure you’ll be here in augs to whine about whatever happens to sylvanas
Katiera already said that Sylvanas would die in BfA, then in 9.1…
Everything she says is just wrong lol. If Katiera says something you can just assume the opposite will happen
We know they thought that from the 8.1 interview.
“I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.” Shani said.
If people didn’t complain about how bad it was the 8.1 questing for the night warrior stuff would have been even worse as well. But you can tell the entire night warrior stuff is shoehorned in there and never impacts the actual story.
Which post?
I don’t have to answer to you why I chose to sub back for a few more days to level up my classic character.
What matters is that I’ll never have a permanent or even long lasting sub again.
lol screw blizzard now I’ll only give them my money every other month. its kind of sad tbh
That’s not what I said but knowing how your brain works I can see why you conflated the two
Do as myself and create a Miqo’te Keeper of the Moon with Menphina as your deity! It’s been super fun so far! Also if you rol a Paladin you’re basically playing as a Night Warrior with most of the animations being white/blue, magical white weapons that look like the ones Tyrande would conjure with Elune’s magic. Hope you like it!
so ur spineless n wont bak ur wrods with aciton
got it
imagine wanting aki with the political views she has in your game
It didn’t help that they pivoted hard from war stuff as soon as the ships dropped into the sudden ocean hole.
Night Warrior also just screams to me as something they thought was cool but didn’t actually have much plans for, and were too attached to others ideas. I also find Tyrande not being present in the Horde side of the warfront being pretty indicative of the narrative pitfalls they introduced with it (the “why aren’t they just streamrolling the Horde” problem).
I mean I agree with pretty much everything so I’m fine with here in my new favorite game!