I actually prefer the old model, doesn’t look as weird as today’s. But to my understanding the blood elves descended from the nightelves but the sunwell changed their anatomy. Just like the moonwell changed the night elves. and the issues on trolls aren’t as prevalent as the ones on the night elves. But even with all that said, if you see nightelves like malfurion and illidan, there bodies look proportional unlike our characters.
I have an explanation for that, but it’s not logical. Malfurion and others are major “heroic” NPCs. Even the Orc “heroics” like Saurfang look better than the regular NPCs and the Orc players. The Blood Elf “heroic” females look radiant while Gassy looks like a lanky clumsy kid
Yea but their models aren’t drastically changed like night elves. They have better defined textures but Malfurion and Illidan just have different models entirely.
All the player males in wow except for Blood and Void Elves suffer from numerous issues. In most cases they have ridiculous body proportions, especially compared to their females. They often have bad posture and/or faces.
The animal people and the short/compact races kinda get a pass because they tend to look at least reasonably close to their depictions in fiction. Though I would like to see Worgen males not hunchbacks anymore.
Night Elf males suffer from what I like call the “Popeye” syndrome. They have these strange proportions… bulky in some places, and tiny in others.
They also have all of ONE face that isn’t busted (and the poor Nightborne males didn’t even get that) and a poor selection of hairstyles. Night Elf males, like Human males, also suffer from “forward head jut” as if they are trying to get a closer look at something so their head sticks out past their chest.
And even after over a decade, Night Elf males still can’t have eyebrows unless they choose to have some kind of facial hair.
Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/code-of-conduct/
Well the reason why you’re seeing a drastic difference with the Night Elves and not the other races is because going from the standard Night Elf look to the “heroic body model” is a bigger change. WoW depicts the heroes of the game as much larger, more impressively garbed, and most importantly having a perfect body. Since the playerbase is human - duh - Mally’s body model will more closely reflect a human physique.
for real though
I agree that in terms of face and body part selection, male Night Elves are stuck with pretty limited choices. Funny how the female Night Elves have more of a variety.
I think before the devs consider updating the body model for Night Elves, they should increase the number of parts first. This includes having eyebrows without needing to have a beard.