Night Elf Paladin

I have been playing since 2005. I have always had an alliance paladin associated to my account. When Blood Elves were introduced, and Tauren received Paladins with that intro, I was excited because usually Tauren & Night Elves get the same. I have played the entirety of the game to date… and had my dreams crushed when the announcement of BfA provided the paladin class to the TROLLS??? The trolls, who worship shadow… not the light. What lore… what back story… what am I missing that the Night Elves first lose the world tree & now, with yet a new expansion after 15+ years… still do not have the playable paladin class?

Venture into your class hall paladins…
Nerus Moonfang: During the Third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Highlord of the Knights of the Silver Hand along with Delas Moonfang, Nerus’ niece who had become a paladin under their tutelage, uncovered the deal through the journal and an initially blank scroll, revealing the truth of Nerus and Zorak after it was soaked in the blood of demons.
Delas Moonfang: After a fateful encounter on a Legion world, she converted to a paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand, saying she had always felt her education incomplete. She is the first night elf to join the Order of the Silver Hand.

Clearly, priest families like the Moonfang, found the transition from Priest of Elune to Paladin of the Silver Hand. MUST NOT BE THAT HARD?

This is during the 3rd WAR! Since then Arthas has risen, & fallen. Varian, has come back & fallen. Turaylon has been found… Alleria has been found… We have a clear lead of paladins that can champion redemption for the Night Elves, who are displaced without a home, a world tree, strong enough to support our factions & lead us, & the alliance.

Paladins, WOW Devs, hear my call… champion the Night Elf cause. Forge us a paladin class that we can infuse the Alliance with new life & lead us in this World of Warcraft.


Alliance needs an elf paladin choice. Personally, I think Night Elves make more sense than Void Elves (unless there was a Void Knight class skin of course).


Less elf anything is always the best choice.

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Thank you Ug. I think the gravity of the situation is fully under represented. But it means worlds when the other faction sees it as necessity too!


I like playing both factions, but right now Alliance has 2 flavors of draenei, 2 flavors of dwarves, and humans. That isn’t much variety tbh.


@Rogmarr, how can you justify that stance?! Your precious cities have been highly defended by Night Elves for so long! Why would your race, knowing how easy it was for the Moonfang’s to convert, not want more support for paladins for all?
@Ug, well the sad truth of it is… after the third war… the humans taught the Night Elves Arcane magics (hence why we now have mages, & thunderchickens). But when it comes to diversity… we are limited, with races like you say having multiples. Horde is very diversified with their platform, to include having an Elf, be it a high elf, having the ability to paladin… EQUALITY MUST BE MET!


Potentially a great time to learn since they can seek comfort with the cathedral of light.


@Breakcog, EXACTLY!! We, as a race, are harbored in the back of Stormwind… why not give us the opportunity to learn how to defend using the LIGHT??? BLIZZARD, ACTION MUST BE TAKEN!


I think you’re confused about your Troll lore. The trolls worship the Loa. Most of the Loa are Wild Gods, same as Malorne, Aviana, Ursoc, Ursol, and the other figures important to druids. They are incarnations of nature, not shadow.


They have goat elf paladins.

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No, you haven’t. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve read a post starting off using this argument, I would be the wealthiest person on the planet. Jeff Bezos would have nothing on me. I’m not sure why people continue to use this as an opening… there is no point. It does not matter.

Also…Night Elf Paladin eh?

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Night Elf paladins definitely have been long over due.


@Corien, while you are correct… notice what most high trolls are called, for example: Shadow Hunter Bwu’ja & also for reference this lore: The tale of Vula’jin the Void speaks of how he regrew almost his entire body after standing in a pool of shadowflame.

Both examples, deep rooted in Shadow, Shadow & Light are at opposition, yet the Horde, @ least for a clear race, have both within the same. Night Elves would have been a better choice to receive, as before the fall of Darnassus’ world tree… we worshipped the LIGHT of Elune. Easier for us to accept what the Silver Hand teach with & by.


Well moonlight is still light. I bet Elune is some kind of “Light Lord” (lady?) too.


@Zevlach, while rich, you have yet to weigh in on the argument… why is it too much of a stretch to let Night Elves have a paladin class?


Here’s how I see it.

If Elune creates Prime Naaru

And Prime Naaru create lesser Naaru

And lesser Naaru create Paladins

And Prime Naaru create Lightforged Paladins

Then Elune should be able to make me the friggin’ Laser Pope.


@Aerenas, thank you. Again, the need is greatly overlooked… yet the only addressing of this issue is in a post, with no blue post weigh in! WTB A BLUE POSTER TO WEIGH IN ON THIS SUBJECT!

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I want this to happen. Once I get exalted with everything and get paragon rewards it would feel great to have that stealth drop for paladin cause we are so wheelchair.


@Salana, can you imagine… stealthed avenger’s shield in BG!!!

@Lumineus… I LOL’D


I miss the time we could stealth use KJ’s burning wish. Would feel great to just cause mass chaos. Really really wish I had it for world content, for some reason that legion stay in combat forever bug just happens to rear its head still. So annoying when you want to move somewhere else.