Night Elf Paladin

Ok when is Blizzard going to allow Night Elves to be Paladins? We have Delas Moonfang which she has set these events into motion maybe creeate a quest line to allow this to be enabled.


Not until I get my Undead Paladins first.


Gobin paladins first

But yeah, NE paladins are way overdue


Alliance needs elf paladins. I play dwarf pally but I’d prefer nelf for sure. 8 long years of the priest + paladin class hall tease. One of the coolest crossovers in Legion. Besides the setup in Legion, it really isn’t hard to believe that nelf paladins would simply be battle priests of Elune. They made fresh lore to explain tauren paladins and it was some of the coolest race + class lore introduced in the game imho.


They are coming either later this expansion or for next. There is a datamined book with the naaru symbol on a leafy Night elf looking cover. Trust, they are coming.


I was pretty blown away when I saw that void elves couldnt be paladins


BIG BUMP blizzard make this happen already.


Undead and void elf pallys…

Honest race locked classes seem kinda dumb. Im playing on my belf pally just because i think gear liiks the best on void/blood elves


Whenever I can make my main an Undead Paladin

There’s also no lore reason why Kul Tiran cannot be paladin.


None of you are worthy of The Holy Light.

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You do their called death knights

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They should make it so Belves can pick their faction.

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True, especially when Jaina’s father was a paladin (at least in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne Orc Campaign).

This. Chubby Paladins when??

to be honest any class that can play priest should be able to play paladin they use “holy magic” so i don’t see any issue


there is a void elf paladin npc Aeonara Dawnshade, it could be the reason blizzard is taking so frustrating long to make new race options could be the mounts for each race but they could just give them the human charger mount as a place holder dwarfs had to ride around with it for years before they got their ram


Panda Paladin when?

It even alliterates

There is only one that I know of in the lore. But he was a special case. He was true to the light, but then he died and didn’t want to be restored back to his original healthy form because he thought he didn’t deserve it or smt like that. I used to know the full lore about that one, but as I remember, his turn to undead was different from all of us players turn to the undead.

And the Lich King originally wanted undead paladins but found it to be way too difficult to pull off so he simply decided to forcibly turn them into death knights instead.