Probably Female.
I think the NE racial is better, but the theme and racial on Velfs arent bad too.
Night Elf so you can do front-flips when bored.
Void elf for cheaper xmog!
For racials I would say night elf, for transmog I would say void elf.
Neither. Go lady panda. They have the best rogue animations.
Both are solid options it’s a rough choice…
I don’t like how Velf/Belf females stealth walk, so I gotta say Nelf.
Underrated statement. The jump flip can be addicting.
Hm, Male or Female Night Elf? I’ll admit, I do like the Male’s melee animations a little better. If only a little.
Leveling from scratch/level 1? Rogue is one of the “squishy” classes (up there with Mage, WW Monk, etc) so it might not be as fast/enjoyable
The last time I leveled a Rogue it involved lots of smaller pulls - maybe pulling 2-3 mobs at a time (at most), seemed slow to me In contrast, with other classes you can just grab like half the zone and AOE it down
Eh, I’m pretty used to leveling a variety of classes.
Void Elf.
I don’t know. The argument for front flips is compelling.
utility, Nelf but Velf is slightly smaller and has other perks…plus they have that killer attitude stand same as Blood elves.
Male nelf or bust