Night Elf or Blood Elf or Void Elf for Monk (Mainly WW)

I kind of got addicted to the Night Elf shadowmeld, but I might dare to try the Void Elf and Blood Elf variants for monk if I can see a more clear advantage one might have over the others. Thanks for any feedback.

Void Elf hunters are supreme.

What about Monk and why though? Thanks!

Blood elf because they look the best in transmog.

Void elves are cool, but they get forced to have purple skin in combat.

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It doesnt matter. Which do you prefer when it comes to looks? Theres your answer.

NE and BE will perform slightly worse since VE has that damage boost racial.

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I actually find them all equal when it comes to looks. Normally that’s what I would base it off of but that part is a tie.

Nelf customization feels a bit more… ‘free’? I suppose? Belf and Velf have some really interesting options, though. I find mogs look better on the smaller elves, IMO.

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Won’t lie, Shadowmeld alone is just amazing. The things you can get away with.


The withdrawal is super strong. Stay addicted, lol

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If you like shoulder mog > v/belf

If you don’t care > nelf because shadowmeld delicious.

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It’s so delicious and addictive that I couldn’t sway from it. I made my monk a Nelf. Thanks for the feedback all!

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What do you use shadowmeld for? I mean as a hunter its a bit less useful since we have a stealth, but Im genuinely curious of its uses. I think I’ve heard once that it acts as a dodge in pvp to avoid a spell.

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It’s basically a get out of jail free card. If you pull too much, or if you want to just rush through a zone, you do it and then you pop Shadowmeld and drop all aggro. It’s great for healers, PVP, you name it.

Huh, didnt even realize it did that.