Night Elf Males move too much

It’s like they’re dancing or vibing with some music when they’re just standing

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Don’t be jealous that you ain’t got that inner vibe.


Male tauren idle like theyre hyperventilating.
Try and match their depth and frequency for a minute, its wild.

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Wait till you see the women :hot_face:


That’s nothing,

Ya should’ve seen us in WoD Beta where we just swing like a swinging ship on an amusement park. :laughing:

:musical_note: Swiiiiiiiiiiing Low, Sweet Chariot. :musical_note:

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  • boing boing boing *

Goblins have the most animations doing anything

We’re great

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thank you for remembering peanut lol


My movies are just fine, thank you. I have a lot of energy.

There you go. Of course, being a 50 year old whose teen years were during the 80’s? GOOD LUCK trying to figure out what I’m vibing to at any given moment. I like all the music whether it’s Pop, Rock, Rap, Country, Gospel, or Classical.


Goblins talk to their mounts every like 10 seconds.

The animation makes sense on the trike cause it looks like they’re checking the engine. It is such a weird one on animals cause my gobbo looks at its neck then sits back (as best as a goblin can om a giant horse).

i know! it’s soooo hot

Male Nelfs used to bound through the fields of flowers when the new models were first released in Warlords.

I’m still salty that my female Nelfs runs like a linebacker now.

I also miss the smooth loping gate of Worgen before they destroyed them with whatever that shoulder slamming bounce thing is.

You think thats bad? Play a female Panda, they keep glancing over their shoulder every 15 seconds. Looks like Harrison Ford in The Fugitive.


sounds of nature rocks them

Look at me! I’m bouncing again!

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Aaa Jeff DunHAM :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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And scratch A LOT. Its ridiculous, hahaha.