Is the night elf warfront armor the night elf heritage armor? Or is there going to be a separate heritage set?
It’s not the warfront stuff.
It’ll be a separate set, just like all the other heritage armours. If other races can transmog it, it isn’t heritage armour.
The night elf heritage armor is just black mageweave and mailbox shaped shoes.
There is an image of a night elf set that was leaked, but this great and wonderful forum prevents me from sharing that link because of my trust level or something.
So hopefully someone else can post it.
you will likely get a heritage armor set later on, but it will likely be low priority since nelves already have a race themed set with their warfront armor.
If you mean the archer models in Darkshore that resemble the druid in the Vanilla Cinematic…that’s not it either.
Warfront Sets are not Heritage Armor.
However, they do fill the same niche.
As such, if you want a Night Elf-themed Armor set, you go for Warfront. If you want a Nightborne set, you go for Heritage.
I would also bet that Races with Warfronts will be the last ones to get Heritage lol
No, not that one.
The one I’m talking about was kind of regal. I hope they tweaked it a bit since then, but like I said, I just can’t post the link. Kind of frustrating.
Listen here Blizzard.
Is it Huntress Kasparian’s gear from the Sister of Moon encounter in Tomb of Sargeras? I’ve seen that circulate, but also not likely.
Huh, I hadn’t known that the set was already used previously.
That actually gives me some hope because I was not a huge fan of that set.
That said, I am just itching for an undead set.
The other heritage sets are strikingly similar to their racial leader, so I kind of expect something mixing Malfurion’s look with Tyrande.
Yeah, that’s what I linked. That’s what he was talking about. Very much doubt they’ll reuse a boss model for heritage armor.
Probably Warden Like or Very Archer Outfit Inspired by Warcraft 3.
Any updates on a release date on heritage sets? We all know we like the female one and the male is very nice, but I don’t know they will actually use it. If they were wouldn’t they already have released it since it is already developed?
They will probably be out after wc3. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were using the remaster and new designs for units to inspire their work on the heritage armor.
To be honest. The warfront set is so nice it should be Heritage.
Can we just get this as heritage armor?