Night Elf Customization Requests

Oh gods, I want all of these for Night Elves.

I don’t know what you guys think about Dark Ranger options for Kal’dorei, but I think it’s only fair that they’d get the options if Blood Elves do.


Personally not the biggest fan of it myself, but I get folk wanting it.

Whether its fair or not, not sure.

Dark Rangers have always been a Horde thing until BfA. But now that there are Night Elf and Blood Elf dark rangers that can of worms has kinda been opened up.

That said; added to the list.

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Bosmer have antler customizations!?

As part of their jewelry options I believe.

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Well I know what I’m doing this evening.

I’m always down for more night elf stuff.


As for someone with a Night Elf Mage, and a Night Elf Hunter, I would LOVE if these ideas were implemented in some fashion of sorts! I love the work behind these ideas! Keep the pictures coming!

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I would love the idea myself. With this being the expansion of death and the afterlife, it would be the perfect time to add them. If we don’t get Dark Rangers at launch, it would be great to get them for both races and have an accompanying quest, much like the Night Warrior. The Night Warrior treatment would be great for additions like these that multiple races could recieve in general.

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I heard the light purple hair is actually going to be DK only. It should be for everyone. Please blizz, don’t restrict it to one class.


I’m so sad, i was excited for black and purple hair… I hope it’s a bug =(


Sadly they never listen to us. I’m not surprised anymore


I do not understand why Blizzard insists on locking hair colors behind being alive or dead. I can understand not sharing the undead skin tones that Death Knights have, because we are not dead. However I see no reason not to let all classes use the hair colors. It seems like such a simple request that would make many players happy.


Considering these beautiful hair colors are locked behind a class where you are a WALKING CORPSE! How and why in the world a dead night elf has violet hair but a living one not?


If DKs get exclusive hair colors why don’t other classes?

It really bugs me that they are locking this behind one class though.


Give back our dark blue and light purple hair colors that were on the ptr! It makes no sense to take them! No one was complaining about them!


They need to fix the Night Elf male standing animation. The old model was awesome because the leg/torso position was upright, straight, and symmetrical. The new model looks absolutely goofy and it looks like the character is leans over way too much to right side. Also the legs are way too bent. Please fix the standing animation for the males.

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I agree. I hope they unlock the hair colors.


The main thing I want for Night Elves is paladins.


It’s my top pick.

But isn’t character customization. So I don’t think it fits this thread… Ah screw it I’ll add it.