Night Elf Customization Requests

Watched and inspired by Capt. Grim and want to make a evil looking bald Night Elf Priest and start disenchanting people. Mu hahaha >:D

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  • Option for shaved brows on females: would be especially good with the moon circlet
  • Option to change the color of the body tattoos
  • The females got a charcoal-esque skin tone that is not available for males
  • I get that the blindfold is a special DH feature, but can we at least have a couple more color options for the linen blindfold?
  • Jewelry for males too: moon pendant, moon earring, vine necklace
  • Some female faces appear to have makeup. Iā€™d propose to wipe it clean and offer it as a customization option

Yes pls! I would add moon themed tattoos for nelves and glowing effects for existing tats and markings ^^


I would like to see new Night elf Male model ā€¦

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Yesssss I donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t add for all races those colors. They probably think Night elves got vine colors but those arenā€™t jewelry

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Yes x1000000

I always thought this could be a really nice Druid specific option. Maybe a glyph that changes your Moonkin form to your regular form but with antlers on it, or heck. Just give us antlers too :smiley:

But you forgot the most important: BIG Malfurion beards.

And I mean BIG

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My biggest wish for Night Elves would also have to be better Highborne representation.

The new options that weā€™re getting for Night Elves are phenomenal and these do a great job of representing your average Night Elf, but I feel they are still missing visual representation for their more magical aspects, namely the Highborne.

Iā€™ve scoured the internet and have found a few images the community has created and I will share those that have resonated the most with me here.

This image has great concepts for skin tones, jewelry and markings.

These are some great edits for both HIghborne skin tones and better NE male faces.

This image has great concepts for earrings in general.

These images have great concepts for more refined and regal hairstyles, as well as jewelry in the first and markings in the second.

Violet eyes would also be great additions for Night Elves in general. I also believe Blood Elves and Nightborne should have them as well.

Iā€™d also like to see glowing markings and tattoos as seen here as theyā€™d look great on Night Elves in general. Iā€™d also like to see more magical looking tattoos for the Highborne as well.

And last, but certainly not least, potential racial identity options for Night Elves. This is merely a fun community concept at this point, but I would love to see something like this make into the game at some point.


I hear you, and I am ashamed I did not include it!

I like this idea thats been floating around, unlikely though it is to ever be implemented.

I hope Blizzard sees these ideas and considers them going forward.


I love the concept myself, and while Iā€™m certainly not going to hold my breath, Blizzard did kinda do this with Allied Races, seemingly in response to the idea of subraces, and while I commend them for taking our feedback and running with it, I do fear they bit off more than they could chew, leaving some of the ARs with a limited class selection as well as customizations, where as some of said concepts should have just been slapped onto the base race as customizations and those that play them would likely be having a much better time.

Though I digress and agree that such a concept is merely a pipe dream at this point.

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Yesssss thatā€™s all what I wanted :frowning:

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Whatā€™s the difference?

Non Nelf Druids with antlers wouldnā€™t make much sense. One gets antlers for the possibility of shifting into animal form and that connection.

Night Elves are tied to it in a way, but not spiritually or magically like Druids are.

Iā€™d ask for more faces. Male Night Elves only have one good face option. And I think is so bad that carried and affected the Nightborne, who also have only one face. All others are too old.

I also would love eyebrows like Malfurion. All eyebrows of the males are bushy (and I am surprised one like that didnā€™t come in place of the three overly bushy and Gnome like eyebrows).

Iā€™d also say wider waist and a better chest line, but thatā€™d enter more the model modification.

i just want my ears to not clip through helms so i could actually wear one.

I can get behind this!

I would be so happy if we get some of these options, especially the hairstyles and purple eyes.


The difference would be one are natural purple eyes, the other are eyes that because of magic it effected the eyes turning them to a purple/arcane state.

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Arcane vs. more natural. Or just different shades.

That is something Want to see. The Highborne Customization options for Night Elves would be pretty awesome and epic.

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Indeed, on the whole I feel they need more refined and flamboyant looks to match how the Highborne were depicted in art and literature, which doesnā€™t quite translate ingame yet. Even Nightborne arenā€™t all that elegant in comparison to their npcs.

Also Iā€™d like to see Druid of the Flame skintones and eye colors for Night Elves.

Undead skins and even a Spector option for the Court of Farondis would be lovely.


Added them in.

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