With pre-patch giving us night elves so much more cosmetic choice, I, like almost everyone else, sprinted to the Stormwind barbershop as soon as I could actually get into the game, which was of course, nearly two hours after it was set to actually release. After another two hours or so of trying to GET to Stormwind with all of the lag and messing around with the new features, I came up with some design ideas that I’ve decided to try in the court of public opinion, because I’m indecisive and ik there are some big transmog/barbershop fans out there that’ll be happy to help.
As you probably know if you frequent the forums, you can’t insert images without a certain trust level, so I did it on reddit instead. Here’s the link. Quick overview: I have created several designs, known as the badass, the druid, the priestess, the robot, and pink. Can’t decide on what n-elf tattoo to use for the druid and can’t decide between any of them in general. Feel free to comment on the post or on this one, either way!
Side note: I wasn’t sure whether to put this under general discussion or transmogrification or if I missed a barbershop category, but if I got it wrong, lemme know!