Nice Interview

Thats why Blizzard games suck now

They hire to fill a quota instead of hiring the most talented and qualified developers


You know what you do when you don’t agree with the direction someone who had nothing to do with building something great and claims otherwise does?
A. You stay and eat mouldy sausage.
B. You leave.

I can play TBCC or classic or wrath as much as I please as long as the “new brood” doesn’t get their hooks into it. There’s your answer about diversity, quotas, quality and this clown literally trying to lay blame on the guys who made blizzard great.


Higher ed is post-secondary school, which is primarily college-level.

Was that last year? Or 30 years ago?

My graduate program had a lot of female students who were earning PhDs. I do not recall the percentage, but it was probably between 30% and 50%. Times are changing when it comes to that.

Interestingly, the bigshot researchers at my school were all male. There were female professors, but they all made less money than most of the males. Almost none of the female professors had PhD students working with them… The culture was, in a lot of ways very toxic:

  • Male profs would poach students from female profs (my advisor was female… there was an attempt to poach me from her)
  • One of the profs, who was Chinese, allegedly solicited favors from the female students from China. If they did not comply, he blocked them from getting a funded graduate position (my ex-girlfriend was one of these students. Some of the other Chinese students confirmed this.) None of this was ever proven publicly, but the prof is no longer employed with the institute

Being a STEM person, my experience says this is grossly exaugurated at best.


Dude… you’re acting like individuals have full control. This really isn’t the case. The hiring processes are borked in many institutes. Most people aren’t interested in working in rural areas for most professional jobs… they take them because that’s what’s available to them. Regardless of what companies say, there are biases in hiring processes all over the place. And even if someone does get hired, the culture of the workplace could be quite unwelcoming.

Another personal example: My wife is Syrian. She worked at my college for a time as a support person for certain classes, but was effectively forced out. Comments like “is it legal for you to be here?” were fairly common from both employees and students. One of the instructors turned an entire group of students on her (I’m not going to disclose details here.) We could probably sue, but chose not to. Hell, we can’t even go to the doctor’s office without dealing with dumb crap. We filed a formal complaint with the local hospital due to racist crap FROM A DOCTOR (I witnessed the incident, and wrote the complaint. The doctor isn’t with that hospital anymore, as my complaint wasn’t his only offense.) I could go on with the issues we’ve faced as a family professionally and personally… but won’t.

At any rate, you could go on pretending that this individualistic crap is the way things work. Ultimately, if you’re female or a minority in the US, you will have a harder time with pretty much everything.

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I’ve heard rednecks and misogynists whining about this also, but it’s simply not true.

This is a long, persistent myth. Women actually collaborate and work better in teams than their male counterparts.

Right. Those cube crawling, butt grabbing drunks were the best and the brightest. :roll_eyes:

About 10 years ago.

Not amongst those peers… oof. Hygiene was an alternative and optional activity for some of them still…

No, I’m explaining a selection process with the least amount of bias, and yet you get very very different outcomes in pay and prestige.

Not everyone wants to be a proctologist despite it paying better than a number of other disciplines.



What a load of hogwash…

Women are crueler to one another in the workplace than men are to each other or to women.

Within relationships, the most violent and abusive are female-female, with the least violent and abuse being male-male.

I bring up the relationships because the woman on woman hostility and cruelty is often vapidly blamed on the men (somehow) and just handwaved off… but no such male interference or influence exists in a purely female-female sexual relationship.


If I put this on another words I would’ve been banned from the forums.


This is every single company on the face of the planet that you speak of. If you think ANY company cares about anything other than their bottom line, you are living in a fantasy world. This is 100% uniform across the board.

do it


No, they’re not. This is one of the biggest lies of the 21st century.

No, they do not. Another one of the biggest lies of the 21st century.


Of course, modern social engineering has trained us to largely ignore or downplay female-on-femaie violence and abuse. Mostly because men are no longer allowed to be the old-fashioned protectors and guardians they used to be without otherwise being objectified as morally reprehensible for even having assumed such a role in the first place.


I really should have named this post “the battle of neckbeards”

Ion has one of those thousand-yard stares. Like a deer in the headlights. Bereft of passion.
The very personification of a culture that is now being infantilized, watered down and stripped of the roughshod fibers that once made it great.


It is if the only qualification for the job is diversity hire.


Sure, but sometimes there are unconscious biases. All it took to get lots of women in orchestras was to have everyone audition behind a curtain.

Right, and this is a good thing as the variable that was being unconsciously (or not) selected for was whether the performer was male or female. This would be like a company declaring they are removing the names, race, gender, sex, religion, home address, etc information from resumes before analyzing them, so as to only get the most qualified without gravitating to a particular kind of graduate or nationality or whatever.

The irony here is that we have Ion and companies like Blizzard who are deliberately taking the curtain away so they can get a good look at the candidates’ demographics that have nothing to do with their qualities. In fact, the goal here is to specifically discriminate in whatever direction achieves the benchmark quotas of “diversity” that are already predetermined. However, we’re supposed to praise this now… which is obscene.


go woke go broke.


One can objectively say that under Ion’s leadership WoW lost around 10 million subs. Under his leadership Blizzard went from being proud of their sub numbers to gauging success using MAU’s. One can objectively say that under Watcher’s watch, dev communication became a trickle and then ceased altogether.

One can objectively say that Ion has been less than forthcoming, from the story line in BFA to the flying debacle in WoD (You’ll fly at some point… and then, You won’t ever fly… and finally, You’ll fly but only after doing stupid things and then we’ll take it away in the newest zones).

One can objectively say under Ion’s leadership, zones became annoying and time consuming. Under Ion’s leadership, FB chores became an integral part of the game.

Under Ion’s watch, fun was doled out in small increments - just enough to keep players interested. The main focus was time gating and a slog-fest of chores.

But sure. Now that Blizzard has been exposed for sexual harassment and discrimination, Ion has just lost his passion. The game’s definitely going downhill from here.


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Ion was one of the worst decisions Blizzard made. The game has done nothing but decline under his watch. He’s too arrogant to be receptive to feedback that opposes his view on what the game should be. Until he puts his ego aside and listens to feedback at all levels, this game isn’t going to get better.