Nice Interview

No, it’s not…it’s a simple acknowledgement of the basic failures and inadequacies of the USA at meeting the ideals they attempt to live by.

These truths aren’t observed through analyzing people as a logical sequence actions, it’s by acknowledging that America has simply done a terrible job so far, and that there’s much improvement to be had.

The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have a problem, and it’s this very step that you “all lives matter” weirdos can’t seem to overcome.

You don’t need to spend paragraphs pontificating around what we can all easily see in what you’re attempting to do.

This assumes all members of the human race are treated equally and put through the same adversity in all things.

This simply isn’t reality.

There’s a wide gap between “never necessarily” and “literally always”.

Play stupid word games, win simple explanations for how you’re wrong.


Translation: “I have zero means to engage or refute anything you just said, so I’m going to repeat my conclusion like I’m citing holy text in the hopes you’ll stop disagreeing with me and making me look bad.”

Then there is room between these extremes for the exact multicollinearity problem you just handwaved off above.

You’re nothing but consistent in your desires to never lose an argument, even if it means being inconsistent and self-refuting in a single post.

Well done.


Lol, you and your “translations”. You’ve yet to effectively steelman a person’s argument as far as I’ve ever witnessed in my entire time ever seeing you post, and you’re supposed to be a reliable orator of someone’s thoughts, you still feel?

Arguing with you is basically:

Never wrestle with a pig – it gets mud all over you and the pig likes it”

So yeah, until further notice and I see a sign that deploying reason in your direction has actually ever resulted in an educating experience for you, you’ll get nothing but handwaves and dismissal.

When you stop avoiding your errors by retreating to your presupposed conclusions, I’ll stop mocking the attempts.

Again, you ignore the obvious error in your reasoning to just attack me personally. You had literally just got done scolding me for going into a detailed analysis because we really just need to acknowledge all the harm and wrong doing and start doing something about it… to then flip right around and do exactly what I said you’d do earlier to that exact poster and you undo your entire scold session aimed at me.

If this is true:

Then this cannot be:

As usual, when cornered, you can only insult, deflect, dissemble, and ultimately flee the conversation.


Don’t confuse your lack of ability to interpret a person’s thoughts with misspeaking or making errors.


I’m not scolding you for anything, I really just don’t care. Your “detailed analysis” is as I already explained, excessive pontification that amounts to nothing more than a justification for “all lives matter” theory and I’m not going to engage with that sentiment because it’s a stupid, ignorant sentiment that as stated, just gets me dirty in the long run.

Make a good argument, and I’ll engage.

What argument have you made thus far other than fervently state that race is a poor analog for experiences in life?


You’re a broken record.

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I didn’t.


That makes no sense from someone who doesn’t believe in free will…

Was I supposed to make a different argument? Anyone that uses race as an analog for experience is an idiot. Full stop. Your response to all of that was to scold everyone for their failure to acknowledge a problem, as if preaching at us from your pulpit was meaningful, interesting, or even relevant.


Im not assuming anything. Im just not chalking up inequality to be solely a product of systemic racism. 99% of this worlds population are landless peasants and life for most of them is well beyond crappy. As a student of history I can tell you its always been that way, since the dawn of civilization - if not before - your skin color be damned.

So getting more black and brown people with the desired chromosomes to work at Blizzard isnt going to make a better game. Hiring people with a passion for game design and a philosophical understanding of what makes for a good game is probably the way to go.


The idea is to have both, not either or.

Again, this would go back to my first question, can anybody prove that the quality of the game is in decline specifically because of hires made on account of diverse backgrounds?

It’s not like they picked rando-joe asian lady or black guy off the street, undoubtedly they were just as qualified.

I’m basically using your logic right back at you.

The game is not in decline because of diversity, it’s because the passion for game design and philosophical understanding of what makes the game good isn’t there.

It has nothing to do with diversity.

And yet this thread exists for this length because people think that is the cause of the game’s decline.

I think you don’t realize how we ultimately mean to make the same point, but the difference is on my side, we realize that some ground needs to be covered before we’ve reached “neutral” first.


You might not have a choice. In that interview Ion said he might only have a stack of applications that isn’t all that diverse. But Im not against it - just hire the right candidates, I could care less what they look like or where they come from. I dont think too many other players would disagree.

When you turn it into a PR dog and pony show though on the heels of your public scandal you’re opening yourself for skepticism. Ohhh well.

I dont hold that opinion. This company and its games went downhill years ago because they got entirely too corporate, lost the plot and the pulse of their player base. On top of all of that they couldn’t even be professional while doing it. I dont know how or where race fits into their litany of mistakes or how it helps fix them but Ill let others draw their own conclusions.

That’s debatable. I would like to think so but I’m not going to be the guy that says that’s how diversity hiring explicitly works. When youre trying to appease the cancel culture gods the pressure might coerce you to check off some boxes, not all of them.

The game has been in decline for well more than half its lifespan. I think people have doubts about Blizz’s sincerity and their measures to correct things going forward and they cant be blamed for that.

Im not on any side. I simply don’t find Ion’s tact on the matter to be overly assuring and Im entitled to that opinion.


speaking of decline. I predict 40 dollar atvi stock because vanilla caused it to run up.
in unrelated news, how does a girl from the bronx come from puerto rico deny amazon jobs for her constituents during one of the biggest online shopping booms via man made pandemic causing said business stock price to nearly double since denial of warehouse and still keep her job?


This is the majority opinion because most people honestly don’t think past the product in front of them (which is just fine). Is the food tasty? Who cares who the cook is. Does the tool do its job? Manufacturer be damned. Is this movie/game fun and enjoyable? Kudos to the creators, whoever they are.

Making a point to add in diversity is about as relevant as changing the plates and cutlery as a restaurant… sure people may notice it but ultimately that’s not why people are there and it isn’t going to be the reason anything succeeds or fails, but for maybe wasting time/money on something that just doesn’t really matter.


Why does she trigger yall so much? And she didn’t “deny her constituents jobs.” She simply objected, along with many many many others, to spending 3 BILLION in taxpayer dollars to entice them to build there. That doesnt mean that money wasnt used elsewhere… It just wasnt used here because it was a bad investment. Which was borne out considering Amazon ended up building a large HQ there anyway.

[quote=“Bearhands-faerlina, post:337, topic:1126174, full:true”]
Why does she trigger yall so much?[/quote]

Please, she puts herself out there just to get this response. Because, apparently, no publicity is bad publicity. Like wearing a dress with “tax the rich” on it to a high society function. Meanwhile her own party is working to make the tax system more regressive (more likely than not, we will see).

Also, I find it amusing that a quote from career bureaucrat is your argument against free markets. Nevermind that the man himself said that’s not what his point was.

Here’s a better quote - “Greenspan kept an eye on such fluctuations as the sale of vacuum cleaners in Cleveland to, as they say, get a precise idea about where the economy is going, and of course he micromanaged us into chaos.”


That never stopped anybody.

What else is Blizz gonna do or say? You run your PR man out there and make him say all the politically correct things.

Its just kinda what you gotta do when you get caught bein downright unprofessional and lots of people find out about it.

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Sad to see the industry killing itself this way. Last few years have been one giant trash fire.


I wonder if this is worth it much anymore. The people most frothing about this kind of stuff are simultaneously not the active consumers because they don’t care about any of this. Yet I have a feeling Marketing and HR folks are the kind to be WayTooOnline™ sorts that mistake Twitter for real life which could be driving the hypersensitivity and need to vomit out the swill we see…


Simple stating something you believe to be true isn’t the same as making an argument for it.

You do this to everyone anyway. When done to you, you just say you’re “nuanced.”

It’s like you’re giving yourself a free pass for being “nuanced” in whatever you say, while you put everyone else into a box.

What’s pretty clear is you just have a higher opinion of yourself than anyone else. There isn’t a drop of humility in you. Which is enlightening with regard to you using such phrases as…

You’re a large part of that very problem.


Note how the interview title talks about “soul-searching.”

Always found these types of description baffling considering we’re supposedly thriving in a secular environ and God is dead. So, from where comes this whole idea that our immortal souls are somehow in dire need of some course correction?

But look at this part:

As we’re improving our processes for evaluating managers, for sharing feedback with the team; as we’re improving our recruiting and hiring to build a more diverse team, let’s also turn that same eye on our game. That’s one thing that may be more visible in the short term. But in the long term we understand that what we’re going to be judged for as a team, as a company, and as a game is far beyond that. That work is still underway.

What does this even mean?

“far beyond”

Does Ion believe that a modern PC game will see some kinds of accolades in future generations or will receive some kind of historic acclaim because they changed the names of people and items in a consumer-driven fantasy video-game?

Or is God judging him? Does Ion think World of Warcraft has some kind of divine purpose?

What, does that make Leeroy Jenkins? A saint? :rofl:


A. Tell me how the Democrats are pushing regressive tax policies. You cant. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

B. She wore a dress to a “high society function” she was given free tickets to to get people to talk about PROGRESSIVE tax policies etc. Seems to have worked. In fact, months later yall are STILL triggered.

C. Thats exactly what Greenspan was talking about. Most economists who deal with macro issues work in the public sector so by your standards you could apparently dismiss anything they because theyre “beaurocrats.” :roll_eyes:Im also far from a Greenspan fan… but as a life-long proponent if Ayn Rand and libertarian economics, it was a striking reversal.

Tldr: You dont know what youre taking about.

Really? You couldnt crack this caper Jr detective? He was talking about how theyre going to be judged NEGATIVELY as a team because of… you know… the whole lawsuit/harassment thing.

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