NGL Hogwarts Legacy looks good

Read!? No thanks.
I only listen to tiktok.

You know what’s hilarious, this thread was perfectly fine, discussing the game, until Rosen and Car came in here spouting their opinions on JK Rowling. They derailed this whole thread and they started playing as if they are victims.

This thread will be deleted because of it. If it just stayed on topic they would have moved it.


I’m not trying to change anyone’s side. Opinion or not, the question was “What do I disagree with”

That is legit any discussion of hogwarts legacy. People talk about the game, the things they can do and theroize what will the game have…then all of a sudden “JK HATES JEWS BECAUSE GOBLINS AND TRANSPHOBE”.

The same stuff being spewed over and over again.


Insane writing sure. But awful people will just be off riling each other up and trying to spread that way of thinking.

Its like how way in the past, lgbt people could only be in movies if they were villains. For one very obvious reason

A murder is very instant. This is the more “lets just sit and wait” form of hatred if that makes sense. Both are evil. Just different levels. Doesn’t mean I don’t care about murder. Its a “pick your battles” thing. Since we’re not really meant to hyper focus on every single problem in the world.

Last i checked Bobby “i’ll get you killed” Kottick is still around.


It’s not derailing. In my initial post all I said is that I was going to ‘sail the high seas’ for the game because I refuse to give JK Rowling a cent of my money. Then I made two posts about piracy. First stating that you don’t get your computer ‘turned into a crypto miner’ by downloading a cracked version of a video game and secondly stating that piracy isn’t like downloading music off of Limewire back in the 90s.

That’s all I said on the subject. I didn’t expand on my JK Rowling stance at all, no one replied to that particular post either. Thread was going to move on with no issues…

Then someone decided to throw a depth charge into the thread and call people who didn’t want to buy the game on the basis of JK Rowling ‘grown children’. I wonder who that was…

Oh, it was you.


Pretty sad that a post like that is getting flagged. I have many words I’d like to use to describe those posters but I’m not in the mood for a ban.

I have a newer PC but not sure how the game would run on it. So the only way i’m picking this game up is if I end up purchasing a PS5.

Okay, well I’m sure blizzard enjoys your payment for saying such things on this forum…you know…the company that actually protects abusers.

Like you said, pick your battles.

That is a whole other topic honestly. I can help explain stuff with this topic.

I can’t focus on the bobby stuff for reasons.

Least with bobby you get funny stuff where he complains he can’t really get a date because his possible dates google who he is and see pictures of him with devil horns photo shopped on. So I’d imagine its even worse now and that amuses me.

Ill choose once i do some research of what that means. I know the basics of them. But id like to choose based on their motto and history.
Hopefully the game explains the different schools or whatever better than the movies.

So because he complains about dates, it’s fine for you to pay him money, an actual abuser of people. But you draw the line of toxic world views and twitter rants and books on said views…that is just a rip off of the movie Psycho. Interesting.

Look we both have our views on the situation, I just know that I have zero rights to complain about her views when I’m giving money to someone vastly worse by playing THIS game. In fact, the developers for hogwarts legacy seems vastly nicer than the devs for this game and both are working off terrible people.

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People are upset at Jk Rowling cause she has a women’s abuse facility she funds that prohibits non biological women from joining? Honestly makes sense to me to do that.


Its just a tad more personal for me with this decision. That’s all.


Eh, I never got into it. My niece will probably love it, though.

I get that, personal issues always outweighs everything.

Makes sense to me. I can understand why people wouldn’t want to support J.K. Rowling. But I can also understand people seeing it as just another video game for them to buy if they want to play it.

It’s ironic. Back when the Harrry Potter books first came out the religious right panned them because books about witchraft were harmful to children. 20 years later the far left pans the writer for her personal views on sexuality because they are harmful to people. What a crazy world we live in.


Also how the pope said the books were good since it showed how love and kindness spreading defeats evil…which now the people who loved it are hating it. Time is a circle.

It looks really good, but it doesn’t look like there’s a lot of actual “game” to do. I worry it’ll be quick to consume.

But I’ll definitely check it out.