NF or Venthyr / Which legendary?

Wut. Can you stop spreading miss information for just 1 post???

WHERE did he say NF there?

Ok so you are just trolling :+1: just take a look at top moonkins in rbgs.

You have a hard time reading i take it.

This is a recent buff with 9.0.5, ofcourse the top don’t know about this yet and actually the top rarely play anymore because they already got their glad.

Venthyr will pump more damage and do better in rbgs—

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Reading what? Stop spreading missinformation.

From the top 500 RBG US, there is only 1 Balance Druid in Venthyr. Only one.

You seem to have the most problems at reading:

So you intent to tell me that a 0.3 buff to Venthyr, 3 weeks ago, was enough to make it meta, yet of the top 500, only 1 noticed? Yeah that’s not how you get to top 500.

[UPDATED MARCH 8] 9.0.5 Update Notes (

Why? Do you have a source for this stupid statement?
“The top doesn’t know about it, because…”
Because it’s not true.

Again do you have a source for this or are you the Fox News or the Druid forums? :slight_smile:

Because people haven’t caught up yet and people dont want to change and start
from scratch.

This entire week venthyr balance druids are destroying RGB.
Had 2 of them melt 7 of our people like paper in 2800 ranking.

But dont worry about it lol.
STAY NF. :v:

Aren’t you the level 10 druid who asked which was better NF or Venthyr? And now you talk like you always knew Venthyr was supreme?

Starting to think you are just an alt to the shaman above.

Source? Like I said, out of the top 500 only 1 changed? Because of a 0.3% change to a venthyr conduit? :clown_face:


I thought level 10s can’t do RBGs. If you do 2800 then what are you doing in the forums asking which one is better if you knew it already? :thinking::clown_face:

This alt havent updated it?

#2 dont you see my achievement points?

I already have 2 level 60s 226 ilvl.
3 of them around 210 at the moment.

I just decided to level this druid on a new server to play with my friend.

You seem to be rather slow at leveling druids. That, or you can’t figure out how to use the forums. I’d love to take a look at your toons :slight_smile:

But if you are so sure about venthyr supremacy thanks to a .3% increase in a conduit, then why you made this post? :clown_face: :thinking:

I have a wife and a crazy dog lol.
Also im playing on my main most of the time.

But if you are so sure about venthyr supremacy thanks to a .3% increase in a conduit, then why you made this post? :clown_face: :thinking:

I just wanted to hear people’s opinions because i land my mark.
Venthyr VS NF in RGB.

But ya have a point on NF convoke outside of RGB.
if you get bored and decide to space bird someone, just activate convoke.

didnt ask lol

Damn and you got convinced that Venthyr >> NF because of this:

So influenceable.

Also, another question. For someone who plays 2 226 toons you have a pretty bad understanding of everything, don’t ya?

Like this^^

Or this^^

Or this^^^

Or this^^ (what buffs lol)

Alright Joomkin nobody asked you.

There’s nothing special that Venthyr does that makes it better than the other two top covenants (Kyrian and NF). If people are getting swamped by Boomies in RBGs, it’s probably attributed more to Boomie being very strong rather than a specific covenant, especially if that covenant is Venthyr as you claim.

Then don’t make a post in the forums if you can’t even answer those questions :clown_face:

You’re a joke lmao.

Keep to your cancel culture child.

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The math is there…

Some people have a hard time with math pal.
You want pure spread pressure with the most DPS then go venthyr-

I’ve stated the math is explained in a video i posted earlier… obviously you didn’t take the time to view it.

If you wanna be a one trick pony with no skill like ret pallys then stay NF.

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@Xephion don’t sweat this 1200 bracket pleb that can’t view different perspectives–

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I totally agree.

Everyone keeps saying. “OH IM BORED” “Yes go that meta because everyone in it”

Or because icy veins say “YES YOU HAVE TO BE THIS BUILD, or you won’t do DPS”

There are lots of hidden builds out there for every class.
They stay quiet because they don’t want it nerfed.

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Love how none of you answered what I said on my previous posts but instead just attacked me. Ad Hominem much?
You are indeed the Fox News of this forum, can’t even click my toon to see my 2100 cr lol

nice meme


I’ll allow it.

Anything to break up the internal fighting here.