NEXT ZONE: Undermine

You would make an awful lumberjack as you are completely incapable of seeing the trees in the forest.

This is a legendary boss chad character who never lost.

This is a powerless hobo who made the Horde a vassal of Stormwind

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Side bar - when the Hell are we getting Northern Lordaeron?

There’s still a visible chunk of the map inaccessible up there that we could do anything with.

Personally I’d make it a sort of frontier cursed land with Stormwindian, Forsaken, Worgen and Troll forces all trying to colonize it at the same time.

Give it this kind of vibe;

There was a hint of that in the Cata EPL with the caravan questline.

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You have to convince Blizzard to unlobotomize the scarlet crusade and remind the reader that they are still the living descendants of Lordaeron with legitimate claims, first.

I think it could be part of the Quel’thalas/Silvermoon update come Midnight, when blizz HOPEFULLY brings the zone into current content as it were and finally unties it from TBC.

But that’s just speculation with nothing to back it up

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Related, I think if Midnight has a wildhammer show up to rekindle the auld alliance with Quel’thalas, it should be the dwarf with the least intelligible scottish accent bliz has ever made.

So related to that, it’s never remarked upon, but the area of Ghostlands’ map where Zul’aman is is also pretty much a non-zone. The thing is if you try to match it with the world map almost a full 2/3 of Ghostlands isn’t part of the actual zone. They have a lot of room even without reinstating the vanilla version of Maisara on the map to do a proper zone, although IMO it would be cooler if they did revert the region to the OG geography with a proper southern peninsula)


Daily reminder that all alliance veterans must die to make the story fair again. taht includes:


and many more.

I feel like nothing is more of a tell of how much Erevien is like the SC crowd than when he acts like anyone gives a damn about the literally-who heroes of BTDP. Even Khadgar being an interesting character in wow was a muscular feat of making something out of him.


I mean there’s definitely more of Lordaeron we were promised. Notably with how Stratholme is a port city and there’s no port. And where the start of the Thonodroril kinda has to start flowing from.

It certainly straddles the Quel’Thalas border so it could turn up. And I’m hoping for a sort of Vanillia EPL 2.0 where you’re recaliming and treasure hunting through this post apocalypse area.

I really loved how there was like Light’s Hope and I think one or two Argent towers pre Cata. Really felt like you were in the ish out there. Be cool to revisit that idea with in my mind a reclaimed Human and Troll town, and a newly built Worgen and Forsaken one.


The issues with Stratholme’s worldspace (it encroaches on deathlome if you check how instances are placed) is why I’m hoping (not quite expecting but hoping) that EPL is part of the 4 base zones or at least getting a shapechange to not do this weird nonsense with Southern Eversong.


I could see Midnights revamp of Quel’thalas in two ways

  1. The Midnight map is connected to the vanilla (or cata era) map, like how zones such as Uldum and Twilight Highlands were added to the actual Kalimdor & Eastern Kingdoms map files respectively. No loading screens required if you travel there manually. (i.e. no portals).
  2. Much the TBC Quel’thalas, it will be on a separate map file and we have to go through an instance gate to reach it. With either a bronze dragon near the instance gate to allow us to switch between TBC or Midnight or they have different entrances from Eastern Plaguelands.

A lot of the weird issues we get with that area is, and I could be wrong, is mostly due to Quel’thalas still being in it’s own seperate instance, instead of being part of the main world.

Run into a lot of programming glitches like that in some zones. Gilneas is notoriously glitchy in some areas still for example


Yeah Quel’thalas (and by extension Azuremyst & Bloodmyst Isles) are on the Outland map files.

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My most troll opinion on how they should handle it is double ferries - faction capitals to Suramar and Bel’ameth, elven capitals to Silvermoon.

Realistically I assume the expansion will still have somewhere to portal to in the portal rooms, but then again I don’t think there’s any Cata portal either so who knows.

Honestly that could work. Provided the portal to Quel’danas from Shattrah still takes you to TBC Quel’danas. So you can still access TBC Quel’thalas as a whole. Even for Alliance (as Zul’aman is a neutral flight point).

The cata portals to their zones are still at the Earthshrines.

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I figure those zones will remain their own area disconnected from Azeroth proper. Since this whole game runs on decades old code with programmers who can’t be reached for comment and Quel’Thalas, as well as the Myst Isles, are technically in Outland mechanically speaking.

I’d actually not be remotely surprised if something happens that physically sunders that part of the EK from the rest of the continent to justify a loading screens for it.

And if that’s the case I’d like one zone to be specifically Worgen and Forsaken focused. Humans, Trolls, Dwarves and Elves welcome of course but a sort of no man’s cursed land being reclaimed by each faction’s residential spook troops would probably be pretty refreshing. Because let’s face it Elves sell. So we’re going to be up to our eyeballs in Elves when we get to Quel’Thalas.

Having a zone with little to do with that would be fun. And I’m personally picturing a kind of New Vegas, Post Apocalyptic Gunslinger aesthetic for the area. Enterprising Worgen and Forsaken settlers and adventures going northern Lordaeroniway to be the first to claim long abandoned gold mines, lumber mills, trade ports, etc.


Calling it now Xalatath or whomever does a magic that causes Quel’Thalas to sunder off of the EK.

Because right now it’s technically floating in Outland. You’ll find yourself in Great Beyond or Dark Nether or w/e it’s called General Chat when you fly to Quel’Danas because in the game’s files it’s in Outland.

There’s no way they can rework that without a grander reworking of like most of the northern EK. So short of like a WoW 2 I’m figuring something is going to physically disconnect it from the continent.


Quel’thalas doesn’t deserve to suffer. Blood elves already lost 90% of their people.

Yeah but they’re the most played race and have had at worst a minor starring role in every subsequent expansion.

So they apparently reproduce in egg clutches like sunfish.

That is not an excuse again to make them suffer twice. One genocide is enough.