Next weeks extra tuning (October 29th) Fury changes?

Dear Blizzard,

It should be to no surprise, that hopefully fury’s single target and consistent (NOT BURST), AoE are a huge area of improvement, and hopefully under close watch.

Please, for the love of god, for the single target side of things, PLEASE, just buff rampage and execute by a decent amount. Whatever else you have planned, just drop it, look above, and implement. Literally every single warrior is begging for this. Rampage could use a small boost, but fury’s execute legit needs god. It is USELESS, for both hero trees. Hell slayer is legit revolved around pressing execute and feeling good about it, which is hard when it hits less hard than a wet noodle.

For fury’s consistent AoE, the whirlwind mechanic is just outdated. Having to spend every 5th GCD on an extremely low hitting button just to do AoE is bad, most specs in the game have moved past this. You did an excellent job with mountain thane, essentially replacing whirlwind with a hard hitting thunderclap, however slayer needs some love. Heres how to fix: remove the brutal finish/culling cyclone choice node, as both those talents are passive and undesirable anyways, and replace them with the Fan of long swords anima power from shadowlands. Not only does this fix slayers consistent AoE issues, BUT it actually fits the theme! Slayer loves to bladestorm and spin around more, so let us do a minor spin after every rampage!

Thanks for listening,
-every fury warrior.


u do know they don’t read these posts nor care they always give into the complainers and nerf the other classes just to please the complainers because they are scare they leave the game if they don’t give into their demands

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10k two specific trolls are going to highjack this thread.


Aura buffs are always welcome for both specs now that hero trees balance is tighter.

But on the other hand… Cmon suggesting auto WWs on bloodthirst, do you want the game to play itself at that stage? Surely not.

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re “trolling”. If you’re that fragile, maybe don’t go to where you’ll be exposed to opinions that are different.

I think Blizzard should just take the hate mail and remove Bladestorm from the Warrior Tree and make it Arms Exclusive only, like it always has been.


Fury being locked to 5 targets and bad at it has always been a meme Blizzard runs with.

As much as it sucks to say, we’re not going to get any better in this patch at this point. If anything, content will be nerfed instead of us being buffed back into our niches. Finery is already active, for example.

Letting our ww cleave have square root scaling would be nice.

Honestly removing ww and letting us cleave all the time would also slap lol :rofl:

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A few notes on this:

Yes please on execute and rampage, they should feel powerful when specced into and currently not so much.

They likely will not do that as the majority of the buffs and nerfs for warriors so far this xpac have been really out of touch.

The silver lining is, even though the logs show warrior dps down its not as bad as in the past. Balance, while still confusing how it happens to be that the theorycrafters and simmers know more about the numbers than the devs(and frankly concerning). It still feels better than ever to me.

I know I troll on here often about this but I do believe they’re not doing a bad job overall. I personally feel that Fury does feel fun to play. The main issue that always becomes glaring with dps warrior nerfs is the lack of utility. The dumb m+ system seems to push people to try and optimize at every level, which in turn, puts classes with low utility in a really bad spot when their damage does not shine.

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Its on rampage, not bloodthirst. Also, don’t see the problem with it. If fury is to get better consistent AoE which it desperately needs, WW mechanic needs to be updated. Wasting every 5 gcds just to do AoE is outdated and bad. As I already mentioned, mountain thane fixes this by making thunderclap (a.k.a. whirlwind), absolutely slap so its not a waste to press. Introducing fan of long swords for slayer does basically the same thing, just done another way so its not a copy/paste of mountain thane.


Although i get what you are saying, i personally disagree with it. They could just up the cleave damage from meat cleaver or buff whirlwinds hits themselves (also just remove slam). Mechanically i think its fine (though having to waste 2 talent points for it really blows, make 2 stacks baseline, 4 stacks for 1 talent point).

They could also make rampage cleave on its own and not eat the stacks of meat cleaver - thus allowing it to last longer every time ( its a talent that could replace the second meat cleaver).

So in the end: Could be updated, but i disagree with removing it.

Almost every class has to setup to AoE. You don’t just get to press a button and deal consistent AoE damage. Frost Mages have to use Blizzard. Ret Paladins have to spread judgements, Beast Master has to setup Kill Cleave with Multishot. No class just get to just slam their AoE buttons outside of cooldowns and maintain AoE.

Fury only having to use One GCD and not be reliant upon a cooldown like a Shadow Priest’s Shadowcrash to setup their AoE is a god send.

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My vote is for more nerfs, I won’t be happy until fury does less than tank damage.

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fix the bugs, let unhinged cleave again, buff rampage, put us back to 8 target cap because it made zero sense to mess with it in the first place