Then dont solo them? no one needs to solo them unless you want the title, run them with a group and ez loot.
Open world content should be there for people who WANT to do open world content. It should not be REQUIRED to get the gear you need to go and do raids and m+.
You’re still missing the point which is that corruption was trash to begin with, it’s literally a giant lottery to see who gets the traits that are good for their spec and who doesn’t. Even if you use every vessel and every chest, you can still get haste corruption for a holy priest.
And there are people who are unable to play the class/spec they want because they had to game the system and are now playing the spec that they got their RNG tier 3 corruption with.
Yeah screw it blizzard! Stop making a video game that people have to play.
Instead of balancing fixes they just expand the scope of unbalanced stuff. Nice job!
Have you considered that Blizzard can make a game were there are multiple avenues for people to play without forcing people to do all of them? As in, players making choices on how they want to play? Because we enjoy different things?
I mean how dare not everyone want to do Arena, or Raids, or WQ.
Blizzard should have gone with a currency system that simply let’s you pick the corruption you want, or at the very least let’s you reroll if they absolutely can’t have people stop gearing for X months. That way we can at least keep our ilvl gear and pick which pieces to corrupt.
You guys think we want Azerite traits/essences 2.0
but ohhhh hey it has a downside and an upside, so unique
No one is sitting around wanting to carry 20 pieces of gear in their bags for each encounter
No one wants to fish through rolls for months to get all the pieces icy veins and the people that do math will inevitably tel us are the best for situation X
this system is just garbage and now you’re forcing us to do visions, which is essentially solo content thanks to the way that grouping costs everyone a vessel because tommy rogue DCs in the first zone
This patch is beyond frustrating
Please for the love of the light, next patch GIVE US TALENT TREES
Let us grind a currency and PICK what we want to specialize in or what traits we want to unlock
That is a system that people will actually enjoy
If you don’t care about arenas, raids or WQ are you simply here to play m+? So do you think that each system of WoW should be independent from each other?
I think there should be a path to gear through solo content like WQ and visions, a path to gear through m+ and raids, and a path to gear through pvp.
Really each of those systems should just reward a currency that let’s you unlock talents and they high level you play at in each path nets you more currency and higher ilvl items.
Except they don’t? They are actually fun (albeit a bit repetitive)
yes it should and it used to be .
Before you could pick the path of your choice and not do what you don’t like .
The current system is more about getting people to do what they don’t want to do just to keep their mau numbers up .
EXACTLY. Blizzard wants people to do visions because that’s the content they made for 8.3 and if people aren’t doing visions well by golly someone is getting fired for making the company waste money on stuff people aren’t doing
Great but can you add this to other things? Why not make everything from the raid Corrupt? end of M+ chest always corrupt? We can only wear so many anyways, and cleansing is an option.
You fool
You absolute fool
how dare you act like players should not have to do visions to progress in m+ and raiding
(this is sarcasm by the way)
I literally though to myself during their last post - ok, visions are terrible but at least the people who did them got their rank 15 early reward, and now we can just not do them and kill nozth and progress with actual raiding - BUT NOPE - blizzard has to put in a catch so that people will keep DOING THE VISIONS NO ONE WANTS TO DO
Already had a catch, because farming HVs leads to mementos, and mementos leads to sockets on all your gear. That alone is carrot enough for a lot of players. This change just appeases players who want t3 IS/TD on their gear and keep getting junk in their weekly M+ chest.
A month from now people will still be complaining about junk from their weekly chest, and now also from their 5-mask HV runs. Especially since it’s such a small gear pool, limited armor slots, and all stats pre-determined.
I actually like switching my gear on an encounter basis. “Player choice” and all that.
You already have this through the essence system, and traits. The point is there is no reason to take up 20 bag slots to do this kind of situational system. And all situational systems in wow just end up being mathed to one choice anyway. There is really one choice of talents for raid and one for m+ and in certain circumstances there might be 2 or three choices for one or two rows.
But we already have enough of these systems.
You are very cynical and jaded towards Blizz in their “attempts” to put out the dumpster fire that is BFA. You just became my best friend . I also believe this is a heavy handed way to “bribe” the playerbase to participate in content they would otherwise choose not to, due to its repetitive nature and not being very fun in general.
You had me in the first half not guna lie