Hi Dalaran waves
< Next Tier > is a guild on US-Dalaran wanting to solidify its raid roster in order to progress into Mythic in Dragonflight. We were established in early '21 with the intention of being AoTC-focused and achieved our goal relatively early on in our first tier as a guild (SoD). With that said, we are looking for any like-minded players who want to achieve AOTC and dabble in Mythic, regardless of experience, going into Dragonflight.
We raid Tues & Thurs at 8p -11p ST (Eastern)
Raid Info
For Fated raids, we are 10/10H for Nathria, 10/10H for Sanctum, and 11/11H for Sepulcher. We also killed Fated Mythic Terragrue and plan on more Mythic Prog as well as weekly Heroic clears for geared alts / mains. Our 6 hour raid time makes logging in on time is very important. We want 1st pull timer’s up right at 8p. So be outside of the raid waiting or log in a couple minutes early for summons.
We still mess around and have a good time though. I would describe our environment as fun but focused. During trash or farm bosses expect lots of adult humor and memes but during prog our coms tend to be very quite (except for the raid leaders).
Loot during Season 4 is handled via a make shift loot council and is likely going to continue with a more solidified variation of master looter in Dragonflight.
Recruitment Needs
Very Highest Priority
Windwalker Monk
Frost / Unholy Death Knight
High Priority
All Other DPS
Low Priority
Extra Info
If you’re interested in joining please fill out the app below.
http s://form.jotform.com/222385892764065 (remove space between http s).
If you’d like to talk or chat reach me @ (see below)
Bnet: Pilles#1522
Discord: Froshie#8722