Next Support Class

Since AugVokers are in demand these days, I think it is time to have a Bard class in WOW.


I would play the crap out of a support Bard.


They already said there won’t be additional support specs in this coming expansion. So you have 18mos to make a case for including them in Midnight.

Altho I doubt it happens. They’re going to “be happy with augmentation” for as long as they can use the excuse that they don’t need to add more support specs, while openly ignoring the balance nightmare they introduce.


If by in demand, you mean demand they be changed to a regular role to stop making M+/raid balance whack, then yea they are in demand.

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I’d prefer they just do an entire rework of healing and all the healer kits tbh give support to healers let us do more then just heal to keep the group alive.


I would absolutely love a bard, and you can 100% base them off on DND subclasses.
All Bard specs should be able to have an instrument. Any class in the game will be able to learn 1 instrument (you can unlearn and learn a different one just like any other profession), but Bards come with maxed out skills in the profession and can learn ALL instruments. For other classes it’s just roleplay, playing songs and getting rested buffs.

There can be various songs for you to learn, like Invincible, Wow’s Main theme, Anduin’s theme, Grizzly hills, Pandaria Inn music, etc and they can keep updating them. When you’re within x yards of a player you can listen to their music and even join in with them to form a “band.” You have the option to disable this feature in your settings if you do not want to hear people playing music, or you can set it to party only.

For a Melee DPS spec you could base it off the College of Swords from DND. Think a Rogue and a Paladin mixed together. They dance beautifully across the battlefield, typically preferring rapiers, but also have support spells and healing magic. They would be a melee class with mana, and their own Bardic Inspiration resource that they could use to buff their attacks.

There’s not really a purely healer spec to base a bard off from DND because they’re mostly a support class, but you could easily make one that’s squishy like a priest, has good CC, average mobility and focuses more on channeled spells. A lot of these channeled spells can be made uninterruptable for PVP balances, and can be casted while moving. The channeled spells would be songs played on instruments obviously.

For a Support class, I’m thinking something based off College of Lore. They would do damage with spells, however, most of their damaging abilities/defensives are spells from other classes. Such as evasion for a defensive, frostbolt for a builder, Earth Shock for a spender, Starfall for an aoe etc. Lore Bards in DND can learn various spells from other classes. As for the actual support part, obviously their instruments would cause buffs on allies and debuffs on enemies.

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They should delete the existing support class.


I’d rather they just turn Aug into a pure DPS spec and remove this support experiment they failed at.

And if they continue to be stubborn, then DH needs a third spec.


  • Dot enemies to deal damage and heal the Demon Hunter
  • Debuff enemies to have part of the damage they deal be routed to the Demon Hunter
  • Buff DPS to have a percentage of their damage dealt move to the Demon Hunter as healing
  • AoE fel fire to deal damage and heal the group

Hehehe bye lizards! (Just Aug though seriously - convert all existing ones to Dev the superior evoker spec)

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My WOW Bard Concept:

Race: Any

Main Stat (this one is tough, since there is no Charisma in WOW): Dexterity or Intellect or Wisdom?

Armor: Cloth or Leather

Offensive attacks: Mage / Evoker like damage spells, daggers, one handed weapons

Utility: Rogue-like utilities

Main Class ability:

  • Buff / Debuff

  • Specializes in String Instruments, Wind instruments, or Singing

  • Has two main “songs” Buff and Debuff, uses a Guitar Hero-like note system to play the song, the more accurately the song is played the bigger % buff or debuff

  • Can play / sing while moving (requiring a bit a skill due to the Guitar Hero-like system

  • Has one instant debuff with long cooldown “Viscious Mockery” (yeah probably copyrighted though).

Yea I don’t understand the support role.

Paladin Shamans Druids and Priests aren’t supports now? They’re not allowed to buff allies anymore? Or are aug not allowed to heal or do damage?

Makes no sense to introduce a 4th role.

My priest is healer spec pressing a dps button isn’t my role.

Main stats are Dex and Int. Armor is Leather.
Utility, wouldn’t that be more like Aug? It’s a buff oriented class.
Weapons: 1H swords & daggers. (if this was classic I would give them bows and throwing weapons too)

Specs. Int ranged DPS spec. Int healing/support spec. And a bladedancer spec.

Instead of a guitar hero system, we have a full keyboard, I would just give the player the full chromatic scale and let them play actual music if they want (in a single octave anyway). The main damage rotation could just be a dissonant chord progression like 1, 2, 7. Healing could be a harmonious chord progression.

It sounds hard, but it really would just be taking the same pattern and moving it up and down the keyboard in rythms of 4.

And this is why nobody plays these roles.

When I pick a class I don’t sign up for the role, I sign up for the class. The game forces me into a role.

Whoever decided that healers only want to press healing button the entire dungeon and never use their brain? Who decided that healers want a bunch of lame abilities that can’t kill anybody?

Healers in classic would burst you, and it was glorious. Nowadays they just stand still and heal in your face.

I don’t think we are playing the same game, I can and will chase you down on my mistweaver. My post was poking at how a role name doesn’t fully consume what that spec or class is. Like Augmentation is a DPS role, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t buff, or heal, or cc.

Like does hybrid classes spook you when they are called that?

Oh, you were being sarcastic ok.

Yea I agree. Healers should do damage and CC and buff.

Healers doing damage? Okay do rogues, magi, warlocks, and hunters just mean nothing now? Can’t believe you would have a holy paladin press crusader strike and strip the identity of DPS.

if i remember right bard was pretty cool in rift. i didnt play it much but i sure miss my cleric healer in warfronts :frowning: …and my assassin rogue. everything a wow rogue shoulda been. they had some pretty awesome class designs. to bad wow wouldnt steal some ideas from that game now that its dead

Paladins were practically a support class when the game launched. They buffed everyone and sat outside of the bosses aggro range rezzing people when they died. Some were also ret specced since kings was the final ret talent originally. Since there was no greater blessings at the time, by the time they buffed 40 people the first one’s buff needed to be rebuffed.

A buff spec paladin would be cool if they ever decided to add four specs (though obviously not with the gameplay of vanilla MC)

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I’ve been and still am an Aug enjoyer. Especially as a tank, but I’ve finally come around to this thought as well.

Aug should just be removed. I loved the big swing, but they missed. Time for Evoker to go back to two specs.