Uhh yes? Do you have enough experience in it to confidently say otherwise?
Cause I’ve played for +10years as a shaman tank and being able to tank the majority of the game makes them a tank…
Uhh yes? Do you have enough experience in it to confidently say otherwise?
Cause I’ve played for +10years as a shaman tank and being able to tank the majority of the game makes them a tank…
In that case you wouldn’t be saying what you’re saying lol.
I’ve tanked all dungeon atms in SoM with no problem and I’m getting ready to tank MC. I’ll be aiming to main tank Naxx, just as I have many times
What you’re doing isn’t tanking.
It’s just making 39 other people wait for you.
Next SoM
Why would the next season be another season “of mastery”?
Ever hear of Discord?
What a weak bait 1/10
Will they even bother with another SOM? It was a colossal flop, my friends told me by Christmas it’d be dead and they weren’t wasting their time playing it. Turns out they were right.
you’re very misinformed, I suggest actually learning about it, rather than guessing: Shaman Tanking Comprehensive Guide - Learn how to master World of Warcraft Classic as a proficient Shaman Tank
Shaman are as much of a tank as a hunter’s or warlock’s pet.
What’s the point of TBC talent trees when you can’t go past 60? I doubt they would ever do this.
The rest of your changes I agree with.
Blizzard also needs to fix ranking in SOM S2 not the bandaide approach they did this season.
Dude, if I pick all frost talents through level 59, what do I pick at 60?? /s
Did you play the pre-patch? It was amazing!
To do that, they’d have to fix the way players think. Not gonna happen.
No I never played pre-patch.
That would have answered your question.
Yeah I got this R14 gear legit, I swear.