I think this speaks to you as much as the party you are accusing.
Gilgoblin is the common sense allied race. Vulpera is wishful thinking, even moreso than high elves.
There are two new zones, with 2 new reputations.
Mechagon and Nazjatar.
Both horde and alliance will gain rep with the factions, but only one will be playable for each horde and alliance. Just like it was with legion, 2 of the horde ar’s were from factions we met at the start of the expansion, 2 of the alliance ar’s were met later in the expansion.
Cyborg Gnomes are the common sense pick. for alliance, horde by extension will get the allied race that exists within Naz, with the only sensible pick being gilgoblin.
Calling it now. When both are released rabid Vulpera fans will blame the Alliance playerbase because of ‘whining’ as the reason for Gilblin being the AR instead of Vulpera.
They’re getting their hopes up on a race that doesn’t fit the mold of the current AR pattern. It doesn’t mean they won’t be an Allied Race or Playable Race, but anyone thinking Junker Gnomes were going to be paired with Vulpera are being a bit unrealistic.
Have I chosen a priority? Pretty sure I’ve stated my opinions on the Gob AR race (on this thread no less).
GilGoblins have potential, but objectively they have a LOT of issues going against them right now (not least of all the fact that their culture and civilization seems to be in their infancy right now). However, Vulpera also have their own issues working against them atm (even if their aesthetic assets are in a better place than Gils). That being said, the ONLY thing I prioritize for an AR is the culture they bring to their respective Faction … and from what we’ve seen with the Gils of Naz’jatar so far … they don’t have a lot of “Culture” to spare.
If GilGoblins are going to be nothing more than a less intelligent, aquatic reskin of Goblins (propped up by the Headcannon) … then they should not be an Allied Race. That’s all there is to it.
I want Fish People more than Gilgoblins and Mechgnomes…
I was hoping for Wildhammer Dwarves, High Elves, and other two horde races but seeing as well bad the allied races have gotten. I hope there’s Playable FIsh People on the Alliance, Vulpera Fox people on the Horde, Undead Humans on the Horde, and Sethrak on the Alliance.
With Fish and Snake people would be perfectly balance in the Alliance just as all things should be in terms of Unique and Original Allied Races.
If Dragon Isles is the next expansion, Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves. The Twilight Highlands would be a great launching point given their association with both Dragons and the Twlight’s Hammer.
They seem to care about each other more than regular goblins.
They seem to focus more on reverse engineering their knowledge, tech, and weaponry where regular goblins would come up with their own stuff.
Are Aquatic and thus have more emphasis on the sea.
Given what I saw from buffs on the PTR, they seem to be followers of the Shark Loa Gral.
They banded together with the Makrura, Sea Giant, and perhaps Murlocs.
Their entire culture is quite different from regular goblins, their culture is one of Rebellion, one of cooperation, one of caring for each other, one of Freedom, and one of Loyalty to the Loa.
They are actually more Thrall’s Horde than Regular Goblins are.
GilGoblins have potential, but objectively they have a LOT of issues going against them right now (not least of all the fact that their culture and civilization seems to be in their infancy right now). However, Vulpera also have their own issues working against them atm (even if their aesthetic assets are in a better place than Gils). That being said, the ONLY thing I prioritize for an AR is the culture they bring to their respective Faction … and from what we’ve seen with the Gils of Naz’jatar so far … they don’t have a lot of “Culture” to spare.
If GilGoblins are going to be nothing more than a less intelligent, aquatic reskin of Goblins (propped up by the Headcannon) … then they should not be an Allied Race. That’s all there is to it.
All that Gilgoblins need right now to be vastly more likely than Vulpera to be an allied race(even though I think they already are) is some some decent model updates and geosets. As Zimos explain already, they actually do have quite a culture and they have also been shown to stand independently and hold their own. To add what Zimos didn’t mention:
Turns out that the Unshackled was actually started and formed by Gilgoblins.
It consists of mostly Gilgoblin and a lot of them too. Nearly all of our emissaries for the unshackled are Gilgoblins.
During the period of time between now and next expansion, more could happen that would end up developing their culture.
If GilGoblins are going to be nothing more than a less intelligent, aquatic reskin of Goblins (propped up by the Headcannon) … then they should not be an Allied Race. That’s all there is to it.
And a reminder. There are a lot of indications that they may be just as intelligent as goblins now or at least in the process of becoming as intelligent. They would have had to learn engineering and all these professions themselves down here. The naga wouldn’t teach slaves this stuff. They aren’t even proficient in it themselves.
There are also a lot of indications that there is very very likely going to be a model update given to them. Reasons such as:
-The tags PD found in their ui and model data. Which typically means placeholder.
-The fact that ankoan have been found to have female voices, but only male models so far. This means that in all likeliness so major model updates are planned.
-The fact that the goblin model updates are planned ahead and historically whenever player characters get model updates, it extends to npcs and their variants.
Totally forgot about Murloc as an AR, maybe the Pandaran neutral race, i mean maybe not neutral exactly as they aggressive to both sides so interesting seeing them show up to the mix, but it has my interest, just think of the warrior murlocs charging around, /train chug chugachuuuuuhuuuuggggghuulllĺ.
Their culture is very bare bones, and predictably (because it is a compilation of scattered ex-slave races still battling to free themselves) … its not very cohesive or defined. Maybe when more Naz’jatar questing content comes out this issue will be alleviated, but “New Home” is effectively just a cave in the wall (and this is essentially their capital atm).
By all indications “the Unshackled” civilization is very much still in its infancy and forming WHILE we are there to help liberate them from the Naga (and has a long way to go before becoming defined). I’m not saying they wont get there … but its not going to be immediate (even actual Goblins, with brains supercharged by Kejamite, took 100 years to get where they are today).
With this being the case … with the MASSIVE amount of development and storytelling would be needed for an AR of one of the single most neglected Core Races (story-wize) in this game … I don’t really have my hopes up for the Gils getting the attention they need to have their civilization more developed over time. They really do not have a lot of “Civilization” atm … they have the foundations for it.
Their culture is very bare bones, and predictably (because it is a compilation of scattered ex-slave races still battling to free themselves) … its not very cohesive or defined. Maybe when more Naz’jatar questing content comes out this issue will be alleviated, but “ New Home ” is effectively just a cave in the wall (and this is essentially their capital atm).
Let me remind you that Vulpera are pretty much living in mostly caves and wagons for the most part. Throughout Voldun you mostly see Set’hrak structures and not Vulpera related structures. Their main spot is called “Vulpera Hideaway”.
Vulpera are ex slaves too. They were facing enslavement by the Set’hrak. You can’t use this argument of them not being viable because they are ex slaves.
Reminder that the unshackled was formed primarily by Gilgoblins and they make up the bulk of the group and they seem to care very much about each other.
By all indications “ the Unshackled ” civilization is very much still in its infancy and forming WHILE we are there to help liberate them from the Naga (and has a long way to go before becoming defined). I’m not saying they wont get there … but its not going to be immediate (even actual Goblins, with brains supercharged by Kejamite, took 100 years to get where they are today).
I did mention before that between the time this expansion and next expansion pass, Gilgoblins may go through some interesting said transitions.
Another remember. We know they are of at least normal intelligence and there are plenty of potential ways that they could regain intelligence in a short time. After all. Something to think about. If the Gilgoblins we knew in Cata were significantly dumber than the ones we know now and we know that about 28 years have passed since cata. If these Gilgoblins are gaining intelligence at that rate, then it is possible that in another 28 or so years they may reach full intelligence again. Maybe the effects that Hobart explained gave Gilgoblins diminished intelligence are wearing off over time. This part is speculation, but we do know that these Gilgoblins are of at least normal intelligence and appear to be more intelligent than the old ones.
With this being the case … with the MASSIVE amount of development and storytelling would be needed for an AR of one of the single most neglected Core Races (story-wize) in this game … I don’t really have my hopes up for the Gils getting the attention they need to have their civilization more developed over time. They really do not have a lot of “Civilization” atm … they have the foundations for it.
No it wouldn’t. I actually consider them on par with Vulpera or possibly even exceeding them lore wise. Something to note. They seem to have camps all over Nazjatar and not in just one spot with dozens of quests. Vulpera only have one major camp in Voldun. You may want to stop and think carefully about this.
Let me point out a few things that can’t at this point be used as an argument anymore.
They have no culture.
They haven’t been around for a long time. (Fact is they are proving competent and lethal forces). Lethal enough to be bodyguards for top tier heroes.
Them being an ex slave race. This argument is just moot at this point. Vulpera as I’ve said have had a similar situation. And them being able to overcome this makes for a great story and shows they must not be underestimated.
Both are fairly shallow, but an established Culture is still better than a still establishing culture. They are also both ex-slave races, so thematically they serve similar purposes. Honestly, like I said, I am still OK with GilGoblins … but Blizz really needs to work for it (and they REALLY need to throw the Core Goblin race a bone if they are to be our Allied Race). I would feel a whole lot more comfortable about a “dumber” Goblin faction joining the Horde (with Sea Giants) if Wix was not their recruiter…
However, I DO see the promise within the GilGoblin society. They need to be more nature oriented; specialized in utilizing their assortment of Allied NPC races; and need competent (distinct) leadership that one can rally behind. They are so alike in appearance (and their aquatic adaptations are liable to be rendered fairly worthless the moment we leave Naz’jatar) … they need to bring other things to the table to make them of value beyond their respective zone.
But this I think I can agree on. I don’t want them to just be a reskin and have something unique to bring to the table. The fact that they seem to have more compassion and are more nature oriented than Bilgewater goblins already helps that a bit.
No … I mean … on a functional level. While we do frequent zones with coastlines in this game, it is actually pretty rare that water is a constant obstacle that we interact with. This may be partially due to the bizarre backlash of Vash’jir, but honestly … we’re more likely to be on floating decimated planets (drifting over the twisting nether) than we are to interact with the ocean.
Heck, if you really want to get into the practicality of it all … what happens to our access to the Unshackled if the Tidestone holding the water at bay is removed? I mean sure, THEY can come up to us (or we can use magic to allow us to breath water) … but the people of Naz’jatar do become quite a bit less accessible should that event occur.
My suspicion is that Gilgoblins would eventually find a new home and we might essentially be rescuing them from that place. Nazjatar isn’t a safe place and there are plenty of other aquatic locations that they could live happily.
Really? From what I can tell there are few things more dangerous than the oceans of Azeroth; especially if the shackles binding N’Zoth have been taken off by the end of the Naz’jatar raid. Between the Naga, Pro-Naga Forces, Old God Minions, Old Gods, Kvaldir, etc … its an absolute nightmare under the waves.