OK … stop. Please, you are TOO obsessive about this topic. It is beyond frustrating that you can take a post that is objectively looking at the situation (and stating nothing more than several of the weaknesses that the Gils ARE facing right now; and stating that yes … Vulpera ARE still an option as the Gob AR) … only for you to throw TONS of headcannon back at those arguments in a desperate attempt to state definitively that GilGoblins WILL be the Goblin AR.
Try look at things from my perspective. Imagine that you are someone who really wants this Niche race to be an AR and you are getting constantly told it won’t happen for whatever reason, that the race is a bad idea and people are trying to push for a race that doesn’t have the same specific kind of appeal as this desired race. This is why I am so defensive.
You also far, FAR too heavily rely on Grapplehammers interest in his creations for those arguments; most notably a single, throwaway line that 99 percent of the Horde fanbase WILL miss if they are not actively looking for it.
Every since I had a look at the PTR, my angle has been a bit different. I don’t think that Hobart Grapplehammer will have much to do with Gilgoblin intelligence at all in fact. In the PTR, it has been shown that they have to be at minimum average intelligence and most of them also have a moral compass. However it is possible that they could be just as intelligent as goblins already or in the process of becoming just as intelligent. You have to wonder how they learned all these professions in which a dire situation and I can tell you that the Naga wouldn’t have taught them this stuff. That second part is speculation, but we do know they are average intelligence at least.
(because you have to go speak to him on the ship right after you get Derek’s body ONLY to have a chance at that line; and I’ve noticed several people on here post that they looked for it and didn’t get it even then). That is NOT a good foundation to build and AR upon!
This I admit, I may have made a mistake myself, but I could have sworn I saw Hobart say this somewhere. I am going to be redoing all the quests and see if I find it myself. It stuck out to me in a strange way. I am willing to admit it could be the Mandela effect. However even without that, this doesn’t discount the possibility that Hobart could do something to buff their intelligence or that they could gain it through some other methods.
I get that you REALLY want GilGoblins as the Gob AR, and I’m not opposed to them as a potential AR … but you need to chill and at least be honest that YES Vulpera COULD be the Goblin’s AR race instead (and that GilBlins CURRENTLY do have several MAJOR issues that will need to be resolved to be a GOOD AR race (and not just a throwaway pallet swap). If you cannot even be THAT honest about this topic, then no one should be discussing it with you. Your Bias is just far too heavy.
You might want to tell this to the hordes of people repeatedly peddle that Vulpera is a surefire allied race. Think about it:
- All kinds of content comes out for Gilgoblins including racial icons, female models(with a full set of animations and beautiful voice lines), a faction that has an associated rep grind with it, lore. Barely much mention of it.
A beerfest icon for a likely temporary holiday event comes out for Vulpera. Everyone is talking about it. Mechagnomes also got a mug icon and you didn’t hear much about theirs for a while.
How may times do you hear people talking smack about Vulpera? People are constantly talking about how Gilgoblins are an awful race that should never be playable. Some people even go so far as to say regular Goblins shouldn’t be playable.
Keep in mind Gilgoblin supporters don’t have the same large fanbases as Vulpera supporters do so we usually have to deal with a lot more naysayers than someone who wants Vulpera does.
When you are faced with stuff like this, you are going to be defensive.