Please remove the cat claws from the boots
OH and different glove textures. Yknow its using the s3 dk set from dflights glove texture. Really creative there
Please remove the cat claws from the boots
OH and different glove textures. Yknow its using the s3 dk set from dflights glove texture. Really creative there
That’s just like your opinion, man.
I like it except the toe boots.
Also pvp colors are kinda poopy again
The set isn’t bad, but it’s also missing some things that would make it good imo.
The lack of plating/bulk on the inner forearm ruins the gloves a little especially how it doesn’t mirror the full plate coverage of the boots.
Most of the colour palettes look ‘off’ and don’t exactly mesh well the colours are too muted and bland or just the wrong shade entirely.
They seem to forget some of the more striking and vivid colour options available for armours and have gone with weird colourings yet again and avoiding the better colour combinations and trims we’ve seen in previous tier sets.
Castle Nathria’s plate sets had insanely good colour combinations of Crimson Red / Silver, Black / Gold.
They definitely need to go through other fantasy media and look at the colour combinations of Armour and trims used, any primary colour with a gold or silver trim would also look miles better than what they’ve put infront of us now.
awful pvp colors
Thank jeebus for transmog.
Best thing they added to the game in WoW’s 20 years.
Some of my favorite armor and weapon mogs are still Lich King era since most of what they come out with these days is fugly as hell.