Next patch: Fratures in time

Some interesting datamined items now:
-Corrupted Ashbringer
-the Dragon Soul
-A bunch of legendary stuff, probably for the legendary Evoker glove questline that Wowhead’s been talking about.
-Caer Darrow Fountain Water and Deed to Andorhal
-Chipped stone tablet which the flavor text says we found on the back of N’Zoth.
I assume these are for the time rifts. Except the dracthyr legendary stuff.


I wonder if Scholomance will get the same treatment as ZG and Naxx are getting. Some unique appearance items from classic Scholomance were lost to time when that dungeon got revamped in MoP. Unlike certain appearances from the Scarlet Mono dungeons that either remained in the updated versions or were able to be obtainable later on. Such as the Scarlet Armor set being purchasable if you have the Scarlet Tabard equipped for both mail and plate users.


I didn’t hear about this ZG stuff until yesterday, but apparently it’s already live? What changed?

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You can get some Ancient crafting recipes for the crafting professions. Recipes that were lost as the years went on as dungeons were either tweaked or revamped

I did the intro questline to the dungeon and man, I really don’t like the framing that the Nozdormu to Murozond change is going to be just like toggling an evil on/off switch. I like the way Cata set it up of him doing it by his own choice because he wanted to change history and avert his and Soridormi’s deaths. That was tragic, the infinites just going “we’re gonna corrupt you muahaha!!! pushes corruption button” is lame. Hopefully it’s done better than that in the dungeon, but I don’t have much faith.

Speaking of paladins, I’m rather surprised warlocks become available to night elves before them. Seriously when is Delas Moonfang going to be revealed as the new head of a Night Elf Paladin order.

Paladins need mounts to be made for every race who can be one (ditto druid forms and shaman totems). Warlocks don’t have any racial art assets so are just an on/off toggle. It’s easier to do warlocks first because of that.


When has Galakrond been a problem? Saying we get to “deal with him” makes it sound like he has been a problem

And even than, we’re not even actually dealing with him. I think one of the devs said he’s not a boss fight

Delas is an insult to all Night Elves saying that thousands of years of training under the Sisterhood of Elune don’t compare to the Holy Light so she had to resort to Humans to complete her training.
All that while Blizzard forgetting that Priestesses of the Moon are in fact the paladins in Kaldorei society. You know… plate armor, hand to hand combat, using all weapons, riding mounts and using Elune to smite foes.


I thought of Mario Kart when I read that. I’m hoping it may be a race across the entirety of Kalimdor.


Given that Illidan’s got a demon soul by his own admission, if not for his plot armor maybe Xe’ra would’ve got better results if she used that approach on him :smirk:

BrB, making a Draenei warlock now.

Also I love goth Chromie!

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Goth chromie is best chromie


Zerde, in your haste to post the thread, you forgot a letter in the title. I won’t say which. But the title sounds like a never ending frat party. Like the Cosby Crew came back for revenge.


Yes yes, I saw it. Not gonna bother to change it because people still know what I mean/it’s kinda been up for too long anyway.


Yeah. I read the thread the day you made it and I didn’t notice until now, because l was staring at the forum page in a daze. And something seemed not quite right.


So Ebyssian dies to push Wrathion as aspect. Once again the Horde suffers a great loss while the alliance character becomes more powerful. I am so sick and tired of this bias.

Stop falling for obvious bait Erevien:

As of right now signs are actually pointing towards Ebyssian become the aspect considering a “dragon with a ring on his nose” is the symbol of the Black dragon aspect for the new evoker spec.

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Ebyssian doesen’t want the job. Sabellian is the only neutral choice.