Next patch: Fratures in time

Alright. We finally get to deal with Galakrond!


I’m excited for Draenei Warlocks and how warlocks will finally be able to customize their pets at the barbershop. Sounds cool. I might even roll a Drae lock as my next class :blush:


I have no idea how a Galakrond fight is going to work. He’s so absolutely massive that the only way I can imagine doing him justice is by making him a noninteractible thing we only see on the horizon, like N’Zoth’s exoskeleton in the Black Empire raid. But you can’t fight that.

Also, Iridikron already? Surely he can’t be dying here, right?

Zandalari warlocks are fantastic news though. Should have been in from BFA since Demoniacs had lore in classic, but at least they’re here now.


Cool to see some of the new Warlock race/class combos.

I doubt it will happen but i’d love to see some of the races get unique demon customization in the same way Zandalaris and Kul Tirans have unique druid forms. Specifically i’d love to see Kul Tiran Warlocks have minions that are like the Wicker creatures in Drustvar.

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This “Kalimdor grand prix” thing is listed but not elaborated on. Dragonriding in the old world?


The Lightforged Draenei gather to welcome one more into their ranks.

Captain Fareeya: Brothers and sisters! Let us rejoice for Yomamaissofat who has passed his trials to become one of us! Yomamaissofat, how will you help us in our fight against the remaining forces of the Burning Legion, the Legion we have been fighting against for thousands of years? Will you be a paladin, a mage, a priest?

Yomamaissofat: I’m going to be a warlock!

Captain Fareeya and the rest of the LF Draenai: collective facepalm


There likely won’t be any explanation but I could see LF warlocks as being eredar who were lightforged after being demonic, like Lothraxion.


It might be a bit thematically off but since WoW’s exploring demon customization with that imp quest, I think they could do something DnD-like with their Feypact warlock stuff by eventually letting you swap out your demons for magical animals instead. It’d also fill that missing niche that early balance druid kinda teased but abandoned in favor of star magic.

I believe so.

Meanwhile I’m rather surprised that the Infinite dragonflight is the mega-dungeon. I know many thought that Fyrakk was going to be dealt with in it. Though he could still be if Blizzard throws the reveal that the Shadowflame that helped corrupt Neltharion into Deathwing was also responsible for turning Nozdormu into Murozond.

And I can easily see Iridikron as just being fought and escaping the raid over dying here.


I was wondering if the Iridikron fight might actually be the him from Galakrond’s time period but I just saw a screenshot of him in the dungeon and he’s all rocky still so it’s the present time one:

(assuming the Incarnates became that way after this, anyway)


I wasn’t. Or at least I thought an Infinite dragon dungeon was a 50-50 chance with a Fryakk dungeon.

Blizzard did mentioned they considered the Mega dungeons are a way to play with something that is at best only tangently related to the main plot. And sometimes just totally not related(Mechagon). The Infinite are part of the former.

Still, this all but confirms DF will be a four tier raid.


we need eredar customizations for draenei lock


This is actually the one thing I’ve wanted for years. Eredar looking Draenei warlock.

But a normal Draenei or LF Draenei is pretty ridiculous, imo.


Now that they’re going to allow warlocks to customize their pets at the barbershop, and depending on what those customizations will look like, I wonder if blizzard will eventually allow Hunters to do the same thing with their pets at the barbershop.

Like adding armor or other stuff.

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Man people are going insane over draenei/Lf locks.

I wonder what kind of timelines will be revealed with the Time Rift events.

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Likely at least death of Galakrond/the moment the Aspects were empowered.

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Me and my friends wanted Drae locks for the longest time. And it’s finally happening :blush:

I really wish we were accompanied in this by Soridormi, or Anachronos, or anyone except Chromie. I don’t dislike Chromie but she’s always treated like a gag character, always being used for comedy stuff, and so whenever they try to put her in serious stories it’s just impossible to take her seriously. She tonally clashes with it too much. Like all the jokes she was cracking in the Thaldraszus quests just took me out of it entirely, and I’m not looking forward to a similar experience here. Nozdormu becoming Murozond should be treated with a gravitas that I don’t see them doing when someone who has only ever been treated as a gag character is also present. It’d be like if Riko the hozen participated in all the Garrosh stuff in MoP.


Dont want to sound as a killjoy, as most of the patch news are awesome.

But regarding the Warlock bit…I don’t like some of the races they included.

Specially talking about the Maghar here.
I mean, their name LITERALLY references the fact that they wanted to remain uncorrupted from Fel energies.

And now they are to be Warlocks too?

This goes against one of their main pillars as a race.
The pillar that acted as the lone feature that marked them apart from regular Azeroth Orcs.