[News] WoW Classic: Class Quests and New Reputation Rewards

They’re there. You have to scroll right. Your phone screen is too small for the terrible formatting of their website. Also the “full list” is linked to the wowhead page. Nightfall is listed.

They also had incorrect information posted until a few minutes ago like transmute fire (heart to 3x elemental). Get your act together, blizz.

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Ahaha, wow. Yea…you aren’t kidding. The site is crap on mobile :frowning:

Errors happen. I’ve corrected it. Thanks for the spot goes to Shadewalker.


I am sure the Warsong pants will not be out yet either.

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WSG Exalted pants are… well I mean I’ll happily go for them if they’re available now but I thought these were final phase?

They are listed on the blizard site, but not of the full wowhead list.

@nethaera I hope they correct their site. I was like did i F up and take the grind in a more relaxxed fasion than i should have :(.

What about Don Rodrigo’s Band? When will that be made available?

PLS Blazzard dont play with my heart, wsg pants or no

I’ll keep an eye on things and make sure we correct anything that crops up. As always, there’s a lot of shifting parts involved. :pleading_face:


No worries! Thanks!

The difference of the tone here and the tone of the classic druid tank discord is chefs kiss

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Gib pants. I am Horthas. Gib pants.

According to the lists in that article, nothing on thorium brotherhood rep except the blackgaurd and str to weps is coming out. Are we not getting nightfall and chromatic gauntlets? Really hoping thats also an error

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Please don’t shy away from the communities help. We after all are the reason you’re here, right? We have a much greater knowledge base than what you guys have been operating off of as indicated by the list publications and previous phase implementations.

Let us help you in order to better our community and the game which we wish to play.

Please give us an unambiguous response as to whether wsg exalted pants will be in game. It contradicts earlier posts you’ve made if it comes out early and you’ve now confused quite a few people with this list.


I’ve removed them from the listing and the listings have been updated again. Apologies for the confusion. They will be coming… just not yet. :broken_heart:


Thank you for the swift update <3

Fantastic response, thank you. Druid community seriously appreciates the fast response

C’mon man. No one cares about Druids and you know it.

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Get rid of xrealm. Why do the community managers not manage anything?