[NEWS] WoW Classic: Arathi Basin Now Available!

So make your own, from other normal average people on your realm.
Friends, guildmates etc.

You dont have to be super good, you will still win more on average than a pug.
You will have comms (hopefully) and because you play together repeatedly, you will get better

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The map is horde biased though. Just nothing like AV.
Assuming 100% evenly skilled teams you’d probably see a 55% horde win rate.

so you guys just dont plan on fixing AV at all?

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Making a premade when you have limited time to play is anathema. Its just not possible. Looking for a premade to join will get you scrutinized and pushed away if you do not fit the premade template. So people saying “just make your own” are oblivious to the normal player that works 10 hours a day, to come home, to chill and que up for a battleground, ya know, to have fun. Only to find that sweaties, comprised of people that are playing the game from work, playing from their moms basement, playing from apartment payed for by welfare because they have no job. All of which is really just wrong. But the guy, who pays the bills, can’t just enjoy the game.


Except for the fact that you can make a premade group of people exactly like you.


explain. Please.

/2 forming AB premade, no hardcore meta requirements. pst. Discord optional but preferred

Type that when in a city.

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Is any of this included in the game download?

Trade chat is. Groups of people on your server is. Heck you’re actually in a guild! You can form your own group any minute of any day.

Making a premade when you have limited time to play is anathema. Its just not possible. Looking for a premade to join will get you scrutinized and pushed away if you do not fit the premade template. So people saying “just make your own” are oblivious to the normal player that works 10 hours a day, to come home, to chill and que up for a battleground, ya know, to have fun. Only to find that sweaties, comprised of people that are playing the game from work, playing from their moms basement, playing from apartment payed for by welfare because they have no job. All of which is really just wrong. But the guy, who pays the bills, can’t just enjoy the game.


Looks like you just want to cry and you seem like the type that’s going to give up easily. You have every excuse as to why you can’t do something instead putting forth minimal effort to get what you want. Sounds like player versus player is too much for you.

Ya, I am giving up lol. I cannot compete with welfare peeps living in free basement and free internet using game tokens to “pawn” people.


discord is included as well, if you consider the battlenet voice comms the game already has.

I’ve used them quite a bit, they work well, dont need THX audio quality
AM mono works fine.

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premades dont want that.

IMO pug wsg/AB are more fun. This is coming from someone who has experience premading with good players with good teams and has had high ratings in arena.

with the time you’ve spent talking about “herpderp premades hurt us hardworking folks” you could have set up your own premade and been in a game. js

His reasoning is valid. Making a premade can actually be difficult and takes TIME. If you work 9-5 come home get on at 6 after showering or eating dinner or whatever then spend another hour making a premade (if you’re lucky) only to realize you are mostly going to be queuing into a better geared/more skilled group. I’m not saying Blizzard should actually change anything, that’s just the game. Battlegrounds are largely ruined for the more casual pvper and that’s just a fact.

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Impossible for folks who play odd off hours. We can’t maintain rank anymore. This was our last hope, too bored with AVs, so we canceled today after the 7th in a row premade.

I play at odd hours.
What time is it now EST?
1:24 AM
Guess what i am doing?

Beat a premade from there today. :open_mouth: (I was in one too, of course…)

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