[NEWS] WoW Classic: Arathi Basin Now Available!

I play at odd hours.
What time is it now EST?
1:24 AM
Guess what i am doing?

Trolling the forums? We did premades back in the day when we were in our 20’s. Now, we just don’t have the time to setup, screen, etc. Too much time prep involved. We just have time to log-in, queue, and roll. Nothing wrong with Blizzard setting up premades vs. premades, it will solve the issue. It’s probably coming soon anyways (/cough).

No, i just scared the living bejeebers out of the opposing team trying to cap BS.

Course then i died, but they sure did not expect a bear to just appear out of thin air. Flying through the air at that.
Shame bear is in healing gear, not terribly threatening.

I solo’d two hunters then a rogue showed, pop FAP, killed him, priest showed up, charmed him, capped the flag then laughed at him before the other 7 mowed me. Premade folks /eyeroll… no individual pvp skills unless their bubbled pally is spam healing them lawls.

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Who cares its just going to be Horde premades vs Alliance pugs

If that’s how you want it, well then, that is how you will get it, your choice totally.

If you are expecting those in a BG, you are doing it wrong.
That is not how team games work, its not a WPVP 1v1 match.
And where the hell are your team mates?
Especially if you had the flag
Should be 0 possibility of you soloing anything cause every way you turn is a team mates face.

Sounda about right! :joy:


Again… Not fun. Premade groups should be fighting other premade group and have a queu for people who solo queu.

Then make a premade group?
Hit up LFG

Did you guys want classic or not?

have you tried being social lol?

If you force premades to vs premades, all that you will ensure is that nobody groups up unless they are experienced enough to matter.

There is a huge difference in skill between premade teams. If only the best queue as a group, there will be no new groups who will improve with enough practice to do better.

If only the best groups queue together, they will always face the same team and Honor DR will be severely in effect.

If you solo queue, you forfeit all communication and don’t wish to improve your team play.

I don’t support a change of this magnitude. Solo queue should never be more enticing than joining a group.

Well you dont per se.
But you will have a hell of a time convincing most of the others to click into damned voice channel.

Instant comms, and yet no one will use it

Which is why you should group with like minded players. It’s too easy to drop a discord link.

maybe they should just go all out and make bgs only queable for with a premade :slight_smile:

at 1 to 3 am, your pickings are slim LOL
I just grab the trollers out of LFG

Sure. Slim pickings is still better than solo queueing though.

If pre vs pre was enforced, you’d be better off solo queuing which would be a horrible decision. This is a social game.

Played 3 AB’s sorry that is all the time i have.
Played all 3 as pugs, no premade

Played VS 1 pug and 2 pre mades

Lost to the pug, our team just could not play together, we sucked, bad terrible horribad, bad luck in the queue, it happens.
No one would cooperate, there was a massive argument over who was leading the bg and quite a few had the Im just here for me attitude.

we won the two matches VS the premades
calling them premades because at least 10 tags were from same server/guild

We won those two.
Everyone watched text comms even though everyone did not go into chat.
A pug discord was offered before match start

People called out incomings
People made efforts to buff
I tried to heal, AB goes fast, not always possible to do effectively
i did a lot of prowling, guarding, flaming up unhappy rogues, knocking out would be cappers, spammed a ton of roots and dying.

The two premades kept putting too many eggs in one basket
When they would mass up and rush something hard, we would just fade back while we had a ninja cap in progress.

They did try to GY us after we lost stables once, but most everyone listened when it was called out do not rez at GY, and most wandered away from the GY over to where we had a cap in progress.
One guy insisted on rezzing in the GY, then got all bent out of shape and quit the bg.

We let the raid leader lead, and agreed to just stick to the orders and call outs and not argue or turn it into a drama fest.

Both wins, our goal was simple, just get and maintain 3
If they pushed hard on one, which they did in both BG’s just trade it away for another, we knew they out geared us and we could not sustain a massive brawl.

But they were cocky, and figured they had come in to pugstomp a disorganized mess, and we simply refused to give them that.

You can win, it just depends on how bad you want to play together and not fight and not argue over who is leading.

Of course if you just want to queue thinking, well im just going to go in, chill, do my own thing, you are going to lose, you have already made sure of it.

Last 2 groups i was in had a number of the same people, queues were popping very fast.
That worked to my advantage, cause they were people who wanted to actually play AB and work for it.


If the “ideal” way to play is on a coordinated team, then coordinated teams shouldn’t have any problem only playing against other coordinated teams.

Your argument contradicts itself.

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It also depends on whether the premade is actually coordinated, or whether it’s just a bunch of randos in a group together.

There are extremely different levels of dedication and experience between those who group casually and the very top elite.

A player who chooses to exclusively solo queue, doesn’t really display any of that at all.

It’s the first step you can make to increase your own success rate. You have the power and responsibility on your own to have a more pleasant experience.