[NEWS] Shadowlands Preview: Revendreth and the Venthyr Covenant

The armor is horrible as always wow has bad artists.

Not true. Guess that’s just your own opinion based on what you like, though! In my opinion, WoW’s art team has done an incredible job with the new zone design, and a lot of the armor sets are incredible. There’s just 4 of them out of the 16 Covenant sets that I’m not really a fan of.

Overall, though, they have a thumbs up from me!


Facts this looks like it is the laziest and least creative way they could have released and setup and expansion since WoD and we all know what a steaming pile that was not going to buy this trash waiting for classic BC servers instead.

that just shows how easily impressed you are and does not validate your opinion one bit.

As far as I’m aware, we’re all entitled to like or dislike certain things. If you had read the first reply, it’s me actually sharing that I think that one of the armor sets seems a bit goofy.

There is no validity in an opinion concerning things like how good something looks. That’s almost entirely subjective.

you can choose your own ,you dont have to leave it like theirs.

Revendreth is finally the zone for me! I love the Worgen starting zone can’t wait for this to come out good luck in your development keep up the great work!

Having moving wings would be way better aesthetic for venythr i would love to have more animated pieces of armor and sets! :slight_smile:

Love how this looks so far, my main is totally going there.

Wait someone invalidating someone else’s opinion because it doesn’t match theirs,I’d like to say I’m shocked, but I’m not