[NEWS] Shadowlands Developer Update

I would love to do Alpha testing and provide feedback. Player since 2005 here!

please delay if needed.
i understand this whole epidemic is outrageously hurting preformance across the board.
we players will understand.
its understandable.
please dont be unreasonable and not take this oppurtinity to rationally delay to perfect the game.


What about vendors for random battlegrounds?


If Sunder Armor comes back I can already tell you that you’ve gone too far lol.

what if they’re scrapping disc? wouldn’t be surprised, seems like they are undoing everything that happened since ion became manager.

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The only thing holding me back from buying Shadowlands is whether or not Covenant abilities are going to be freely changeable after we’ve already earned each.

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Something is really messed up with your opt-in page. It makes my cpu load skyrocket to 80% for just that single page.

There you go. First bug report. :wink:


they mentioned alot of classes are getting reworked, hopefully holy is on that list. Holy has always been the useless priest spec. Class unpruning is healthy, even though the buttons wont really pressed much, more abilities = more depth in game play, priests dont really need it but other classes really do. All classes besides feral and other dot classes are ridiculously easy and plain and could use more abilities that were removed that provided some combat bonus. (pala seals, shattering throw, stance dancing, DK auras, etc etc


Hoping classes will start feeling less braindead and similar.


from what it looks like every change since legion is going bye, bye. Might even see rsv return.

I have been in quite a few of the alpha/beta tests and am excited to get some time with this one! I have some new testing tools at my disposal too!

PvP tokens are back on the menu, boys.


Im still hoping for a mop mixed with legion spriest sort of style, but ‘hoping’ they dont ruin the spec.

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People need to stop worrying about covenant abilities. Just choose the covenant you want for your character. Don’t worry about what ability does what and how it increases your DPS or whatever.

All of them will be viable. The problem isn’t one ability being better than the other. That will always be the case. The problem is the mindset of players that think they must have the most optimal build to play the game rather than building their character how they want to have fun like you should in an RPG.

Blizzard has removed a lot of RPG mechanics over the years. Some of them were good changes for QoL however many of them were fueled by players being so cookie cutter and believing that is the only way to play the game and any other way means you can’t complete the content.


how? example?


What a terrible opinion lmao.


Do only Streamers get in again and do i have to buy beta invites from them again to test the game?


There’s always “that” guy


pvp vendors!!!

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