ITS HAPPENING!!! crying finally!
Thank you Blizz!
I don’t even believe there would be that significant change on its launch…
It’s looking like blizzard looked at the subs, then looked at ion, then pressed ctrl +z.
Whoa, PVP vendors, my god, did they actually listen?!!!
I understand the reluctance here, but it’s important to note that “not part of my main rotation” is not the same as useless. For many classes the pruned abilities play a role in filling utility gaps.
The vast majority of unpruned stuff will be the kind of thing that is useful in niche circumstances. If you don’t find yourself in those circumstances often you’ll probably be able to leave those abilities off your action bar.
A deeper rework and unpruning are separate matters and one doesn’t necessarily impede the other. I would prefer both to happen but I’ll happily take niche utility that was stripped away being filled back in.
Where can we see if we’re in good standing with Blizzard? xd Might have to grind that rep.
5 words:
new challenge mode class sets
Kudos for bringing PvP vendors back. Don’t forget Alliance High Elves. If you want to win back the player-base, please keep listening.
Let’s just hope is not like BFA where every new patch of stuff added was just dreadful to see as Alliance lol.
I hope its good and that we will get our spells back. And please no more procs.
Thank you!
If possible, please make the quest interface changes to all quests, not just the new ones in Shadowlands.
Super Excited, Please actually update Shaman.
This is great, finally some good news, but if we’re going to be stuck with 8.3 for months and months, I mean you guys just pretty much admitted that the pvp reward and m+ weekly rng is bad, is there no way at all to get some of those changes in the current game? I won’t undermine or make the expansion less interesting… I don’t think its the kind of changes that we have to wait almost a year for it.
Either way, Finally some good news, thanks blizz. Looking forward to see alpha / beta info
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I really hope y’all find a way to invite a good balance of casual, semi-hardcore, and hardcore players into the beta
Some of it is actually useless. Flash heal for disc priest that does no atonement healing is useless. We already have spells to cast while shadow locked.
Shadow word death doesn’t fix that holy priest has low utility and is a caster healer that can’t DPS in m+.
What needs to happen is a rework of the current classes around m+, which seems to be the direction for the game. The whole “you’re going to get some of your abilities back” is just a way to placate the masses. It’s a way to avoid a total rework which is what we actually need.
I don’t care if they call the abilities they give me spell #1 and spell #2 as long as the mechanics are sound in the forms of content Blizzard pumps out.
Im all for unpruning, but just give spriests Devouring Plague and Shadow Word: Death and thats it, we have enough buttons!
Please give a date for pre-patch as soon as possible. 7/11 rank 4s for azeroth’s champion. A long shot goal for me but essences have given me something to aim for in this expansion.
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