[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

So, I’ve noticed Warriors have Shield Bash and whatnot as baseline. Will this work without having a shield equipped, or is this to imply something much deeper? Will this just mean Warriors can swap to a shield for a brief defensive burst option, and those play off it for the few seconds of reprieve, or is this implying a potential return of Glad Stance in a nuanced manner?

I’m having a very tough time imagining Arms pulling this off if the spells don’t work without a shield. Is it possible for some clarification here, or should we wait for the Alpha Early Access? I want to remain cautiously optimistic, and the vaguety here can lead to potential misinformed hype…


Yea yea drop the requirements of pathfinder and I will buy it. Until then nah…


Hey blizz… lets make SV hunters ranged again and return serpent sting, black arrow, and explosive shot back to the spec… okay?

thanks :slight_smile:


For Outlaw, please please PLEASE tell me Acrobatic Strikes is baseline, because you could make Hook a 10 second cooldown and it wouldn’t matter. That 3y range is massive and will continue to be the forced choice.

That said, I’m liking most of what I’m reading. I’m unsure how to feel about Roll the Bones being a cooldown (especially when you get really mediocre rolls), unless it’s off the GCD (PLEASE TELL ME YOU’RE FIXING THE GCD GARBAGE!!!).

Oh and can we get toggleable poisons instead of what we have now? Like an infinite-duration that lasts until canceled or when you change poisons would be awesome.


I get that it’s 30 minutes old. My initial thoughts:

  1. No.
  2. Please don’t bring back the dark ages of fighting with tanks for weapon drops.
  3. Please apply common sense and practical raid boss application with ToD. No one likes a major ability that you hope to work in on the final 0.4 seconds of an encounter.
  4. Please be more creative then just giving a lame azerite trait as baseline (Chi-Ji).
  5. Please either fix the bugs with or remove/rework SEF.
  6. Xuen base line is fine I guess. But if you could dig up something as annoying and pointless as clash, surely you could resurrect chi explosion? That talent actually had compelling game play.
  7. Why do we need chi orbs from ToD? Sure, I get add fights I suppose, but this is going to be so un-fluid that it’s not practical. Especially and this is a huge monk gripe, how effortlessly other classes can do the same thing.
  8. Why do you hate windwalker monk?

Thank you


Can we also let all classes unlock weapon mogs even for ones they don’t have? Kinda unfair Warrior gets to unlock everything and some other classes only get like 4 weapon unlocks total.
PS: This same reasoning is why every class unlocked all weapon mogs from WoD CM Gold.

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Good start, can’t wait for more.
Because I don’t believe that’s still enough.
Atleast for dks.


The main thing I took from the Feral notes:

We gave your ONLY raid utility to all Druid specs (Roar). If Balance and Resto get Roar, we should get Innervate at least.

Please give us back Leader of the Pack so there is a reason to bring a Feral to raid.

We now bring nothing unique in a raid environment. While Balance still does.


Mind Blast, Mind Soothe, PI, SW:Death and SW:Pain all back for all specializations of priest? Now you have my attention.

Further, the revamp on Shadow Covenant sounds interesting. I do think all of those buttons back might result in button bloat, but I’m down to try to find some new keybinds. Primarily, Power Infusion and SW:Death coming back excite me very much.

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The Maelstrom resource and accompanying bar have been removed, returning Elemental Shaman’s to their former cooldown management playstyle

Id prefer CD’s over maelstrom/energy/mana/etc management any day given that two mages barely use it and one cant seem to find much.


THIS! Dks and monks get it back but not shamans?!


For Unholy, I would very much like to see Corpse Explosion brought back as an AoE damage ability. There are so many DKs out there today who never had a chance to experience just how much fun this ability was in hectic pack situations. So please, I beg you, consider reinstating it. Cheers!

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I really want to test mages and provide feedback, looks like fire will be really different

I was hoping black arrow would be baseline since it’s STILL affected by modifiers in all Specs for hunter. But I guess modifying Bestial wrath’s placement before cobra shot in my loadout and replacing tranquil shot with kill shot modified by Flayed shot will have to do :man_shrugging:. I did note they mentioned new tameable pets in Shadow lands though, still a bit disappointed old stampede isn’t coming back either.

It’s also the only reason to bring a bear, so I feel ya.

And yeah, since Ion has touted Innervate as a reason to bring Druids, I wonder if the Blizzard staff actually think that all specs still have Innervate…

(Similar to how we had to point out during BfA beta that when they “gave Soothe back to druids” they actually hadn’t, they only gave it to Balance & Resto Druids.)

We should get Tranquility back. Resto keeps getting all our toys, while keeping their stuff exclusive to themselves…


Windwalker Monks will once again be able to choose between two 1-handed weapons or one 2-handed weapon

Cool now do that for Fury Warriors and Enh Shamans.


Outlaw is losing its range stun/interrupt, uh oh…

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Oh boy, oh boy, I can’t wait to see what feral gets.

Bloodtalons is changed and you can use barkskin I guess.

Fair enough. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me for 5 expansions in a row, shame on me.


Elemental and enhancement losing maelstrom is totally fine, but they absolutely NEED a UI element to easily monitor rather than a stacking buff. The failure of Maelstrom Weapon and Fulmination stacks in the past was purely on implementation; such as elemental shaman losing their ability to deal damage after getting Lightning Shield purged was laughably bad. Never mind having to hunt through your ever changing sea of buff icons to see if you were “good” to deal damage.

If there’s not a unique UI element added for these specs, addon authors will have to pick up the slack to make them usable.

I am not excited at the thought of shaman returning to the realm of “maintenance buffs”. Having to recast Flametongue and Lightning Shield before your mechanics even work is not fun at all.


Please make supports able to buff allies again pls. I want to play something like Astrologian from FFXIV where I buff allies and people love I exist.